XXX. The First Son

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I sat in the airport trying to decide if I should be in a celebratory or mournful mood... my divorce was finalized this morning and I wasn't sure how I felt, sure me and Clarissa had our issues but that girl at one point was the love of my life and towards the end she had become someone I couldn't recognize. The thing about me is I came from a big family three sisters and four brothers and the thing I wanted more than anything was a big family of my own, so when I found out that not only had my wife got an abortion without telling me, she went and got her tubes tied and was never planning on telling me and the kicker is she's the one who filed for divorce, thankfully she left with everything she came with which was absolutely nothing. But at this point I needed people around me who could help me sort through my problems and those people were my brothers... don't get me wrong I would've easily gone to one of my three sisters but Zakiya, Dalisa, and Tiana were on the same shyt which was to find and beat the fuck outta Clarissa but at this point in my life all I wanted to do was move on and let her move on.

It was kinda fitting that the first one to arrive was Dallas, despite his many flaws Dallas was always on time though we gave him a lot of hell growing up Dallas had really matured since having a kid.... True that more likely than not we were still going to give him hell but Dallas was the rock in our family, he kept us humble with his blunt personality and general unfiltered opinions.

"Sup big bro." Dallas said pulling me into a one arm hug and despite all the people staring at him because in this city anyone who played for the Buckeyes like me and Dallas was treated like royalty, they were respectful enough to give him his space. "You know Brianna is pissed that she couldn't come but I told her that this was a bros trip, I figure I'll buy her and Brielle something nice on my way home." Dallas said smiling.

"How is my niece and sister-in-law doing?" I asked and Dallas shook his head and tried not to laugh.

"You know how much I love my wife.... but.... I mean..... I spent the better part of yesterday when I wasn't dicking her down trying to explain to her that... it's hard to explain but let's just say hypothetically if someone were to ask you, why aren't lemons called yellow if oranges are called orange or something like that...." Dallas said and all I could do was shake my head, I loved my sister-in-law and everything but she was a little ditzy. "That's my girl though and it opened up an interesting conversation that led to more sex, but other than that Brielle is doing good.... where's everyone else?" Dallas asked looking around.

"Tion's plane should've landed right after yours, Seven should be here within the next twenty minutes and Amir is driving in from Cincinnati." I said and Dallas nodded. Speaking of my younger brother Tion was kinda hard to miss with that bright ass purple and gold jacket he was wearing with the letters LSU emblazoned across the chest.

Tion seemed to walk with a confidence about him that almost made me want to punch him in the chest just to remind him that he wasn't as hard as he thought he was.... but I could never do that because Tion had always been the most humble out of all of us and probably the best role model out of all of us, he was always giving and caring but had this air about him that made him seem arrogant, though I knew that wasn't the case.

"Before you even ask the twins are with their other dad....." Tion said checking his watch and I knew he was referring to Zyshaun Prater. "Seven's plane got delayed about an hour so he said just go ahead and head to your house and he'll call us when he lands."

"See there y'all go doing that shyt y'all always do...."Dallas said getting pissed. "Why couldn't Seven call one of us instead of you? I mean it would've made more sense for him to call Zaire since he's the one who invited us here."

"Dally, how'd I know you were going to start talking shyt? That's why I'm glad I came prepared....." Tion said searching through he his bag and pulling out a tampon. "Here you go." Tion said as Dallas smacked it out his hand. I swear those two have always had a sorta rivalry that only intensified once Dallas got traded to the Titans and they started playing against each other twice a year.

"Y'all better not start arguing.... but since Seven is running late that give y'all plenty of time to get settled in." I said picking up Tion's bag.

"Sorry I got other plans.... you know there's someone I have to see before I do anything else otherwise I'll have to hear her mouth for the next six months about how I played her and how I don't love her anymore." Tion said and I knew he was talking about my younger sister and Tion's twin, Tiana.

By the time we finished making our rounds to see our family Seven's plane had landed and Dallas elected to go pick him up and Amir met up with me and Tion. Amir was kinda hard to explain because he didn't grow up with us.... in fact we didn't even know about him until we were all grown and even though we were all working towards building our relationship there was still some awkwardness there and hopefully we could get past it during this trip.

"I see you put on another stripe." I said looking at his arm and he smiled confidently.

"Yeah I really didn't think I was going to make it my first time, everyone always tells me that Tech Sergeant is the hardest rank to make.... I know dudes who have been in for almost fifteen years who have made it yet so I was kinda surprised when they told me." Amir said proudly, I didn't know too much about military stuff but I was glad to see that Amir was thriving. "Dominic is kinda salty that I made it before him though because at one point he was my supervisor and now I outrank him."

"He'll make it eventually, you should've brought him with you though I mean he IS family....." I said and Amir shrugged.

"I'll bring him next time, right now this is all about you and celebrating your divorce and possibly finding you a new chick that's actually worth your time and not only using you for your money and status." Amir even though he had a point it still stung a little bit to hear. We talked a little bit more until finally the door opened and they walked in......

Not to show be bias or anything but Seven has always been my favorite, even though technically Amir was the youngest, Seven was my baby bro.... I raised that kid and just seeing him always warmed my heart. He walked in with Tyson and Ala'ven, which made me smile because I knew there was no way in hell he'd ever leave them behind.

"Now Zaire you wanna explain why Seven is allowed to bring Tyson but I couldn't bring Bri?" Dallas asked.

"Dally I know you're a stone-cold bitch and everything but if you got a question about me and my husband direct them towards me and not Zaire.... sup Bro?" Seven said smiling in my direction and I knew those two would end up arguing at some point during this trip.

"And for the record Dallas, I'm not here to see you or Zaire... no shade, I'm going to be with Tiana the whole time so y'all can do whatever. Ala'ven say bye to your dad." Tyson said reaching for Ala'ven's hand which was holding on to Seven's and for a second I didn't think Seven was going to let him go but finally, he relented and let Ala'ven leave with Tyson.

"Aight so what's the plan for tonight? Are we going to celebrate or sit in the house and drink all night while you fight back tears over that bit... woman." Dallas asked.

"I figured we could get something to eat first.... I'm hungry as fuck." I said knowing that these dudes were about to run up the bill because they knew I would be paying but I really didn't care because the second I told them I needed them they dropped everything to fly out in my moment of... I wouldn't say need but they were here for me and that's why I loved them.....

"Ayy Zaire... that chick keeps looking at you." Dallas whispered and I discreetly peeped who he was talking about and I'm not going to lie she was sexy. "I'm about to go get her number for you...." Dallas said and before I could stop him he quickly got up and walked over to the woman..... Somehow during the night I got separated from my brothers and ended up talking the whole night with Aaliyah and I always go back to that day because had I not called my brothers I never would've met her and now here we were six months later, she was moving into my house and pregnant with my child.... my first son....................

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