Chapter II

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     It was a couple hours before closing. The crowd had picked up about 6 o' clock. Regulars usually stayed for a while and talked politics or sports. Bucky didn't quite understand the amusement in that kind of conversation, but he listened anyway while doing mixing drinks and wiping off the counter. One would crack a joke once in a while and he'd smile. Bucky had an unforgettable smile. It was always genuine, and bright. Customers, men or women, were drawn to his charm. He was too humble to notice.

     Bucky was wiping down the counter when he heard the soft bell of the front door opening ring. He lifted his head to connect his stormy, blue eyes with the sunny, blue eyes of a stranger. Both of their eyes told a story; different stories that fit like a perfectly-cut puzzle piece. He had seen pretty people before, but this man was truly unlike any other. He was the fairytale definition of Prince Charming, with a little bit of added muscle. It was obvious he was stronger than most. It was a quality that spawned small butterflies in Bucky's stomach. This guy had a kind face that smiled at him when they made eye contact. Bucky blushed. He had never blushed before. The bar was very much alive, but it felt as if they were the only two in the room.

     When Prince Charming reached the counter, he gently laid his coat over the bar stool before smiling, again. Bucky hadn't moved except turn his head to follow him.

     "Is there anything I can get you?", Bucky asked, returning the soft smile. His voice cracked a little. He reached under the counter to put the rag away.

    "Well.....", the man rested his elbow on the counter, revealing the detail of his marble statue-like arms. Bucky chuckled nervously. "What's your favorite?", the man finished. He looked at Bucky like he genuinely wanted to know. He shyly looked down at the counter and looked back up. "This is my bar, so I should tell you everything is good, but I can't pass up Weihenstephaner Weissbier. My first sip of beer as a kid", Bucky suggested with a small laugh. He said the name with a smooth accent. It was German. His grew up there and knew how to speak German and English, among others.

     The man responded to his suggestion with a surprised, but pleased look. "I'll take it".

      As Bucky reached over to grab the bottle, the guy told him his german was enchanting, in german. His face immediately turned a soft red as a thousand things rushed through his mind. This Prince Charming figure was the most amazing person Bucky had ever met and he didn't even know his name yet. The guy seemed equally interested in him. The thought brought back the butterflies in Bucky's stomach. He felt like a child with a playground crush.

       The guy took a sip. "My name is Steve. Rogers", he said before Bucky could even ask. "This is great stuff!" Steve raised his bottle in approval and took another sip.

     "I'm James...Barnes...most call me Bucky....", Bucky looked at Steve in amusement. He didn't know what to say but he was afraid to leave him for even a moment. The space between them was magnetic and Bucky couldn't escape. He didn't want to.

     "So you said this is your bar?", Steve asked, "its unique, and in a good way. I felt like I needed to come in here. I'm glad I did". Was that another flirtatious remark?, Bucky asked himself. He smiled shyly. "Thank you".

      "It's probably obvious I'm not from around here", Steve stated, referring to the blatant style difference between him and the other men in the bar. He was right. He sort of looked like a goofy tourist, and it was cute. Bucky gave him a curious look as if to ask where he was from. Steve answered, again, as if reading his mind. "Brooklyn", he said with confidence. It was obvious he was proud of the hometown he resided in.

      "New York?", Bucky questioned. He wondered what a unique man such as Steve was doing in a small town in Montana.

     As if on cue, he responded to Bucky's internal question. "I've skied maybe once or twice in my life, but I heard this was a good place to do so". Bucky instinctly laughed. It was March, and although there was snow, there was certainly not enough of it to ski.

     Steve furrowed his eyebrows and smiled as if he knew Bucky was laughing at his highly outsider-sounding plan for the next couple of months. "Well I did plan other things!!", he defended. The conversation was beginning to sound like one between two lifelong friends rather than strangers. In what seemed like mere minutes, two hours had passed and closing had arrived. They had conversed about everything from childhood injury stories to small talk of their careers. Bucky felt it to be magical. They talked as friends, but looked at each other as lovers. He was beginning to hope this could be the rest of his adult life.

     Steve noticed the empty bar and stood up, grabbing his coat. "Wow, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to keep you this late". Bucky was quick to tell him it was no bother at all and he enjoyed the conversation. They looked at each other for a moment, as if neither knew how to say goodbye. Steve smiled and turned toward the door. "I suppose I better get going". He walked to the entrance and opened the door before Bucky stopped him: "You...I'll see you again, right?".

     Steve looked flattered. "Yes". He smiled softly before leaving. Bucky bit his lip and smiled at the ground. He felt as if their small goodbye should've ended with a kiss. Nevertheless, it was the most enchanting night he'd ever had. It immediately began to drive Bucky crazy that he didn't know when Steve would return. He worried it would be long.

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