Chapter V

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(Steve's POV)

Steve had his arms locked over his chest with a smile on his face as he watched Bucky clean dishes. He had insisted he do them himself, so Steve backed off. It sort of pained him to let someone do something for him without him helping but the guilt of that wasn't present at the moment. As soon as he walked into Bucky's bar, he noticed his strong arms cleaning off the counter. He watched those same arms wash the dishes with amusement. Those were arms he could live in.

"I have somewhere to take you", he finally said.

Bucky raised an eyebrow at Steve. "Yeah? I thought you were the tourist". He'd finished with their plates and turned around to face Steve. He mentally sighed with relief as Bucky gave him a curious expression. He was pretty. He was the prettiest man Steve had ever seen.

"Well...", Steve hesitated, remembering Bucky had laughed at him when he mentioned he was here for the snow. "Have you ever skiied?", he blurted out.

Bucky furrowed his eyebrows. "Never. I took a snowboarding class when I was young".

"Would you be up for doing that again?" Steve hoped he wasn't suggesting a bad idea. It was the only thing he knew here, and Bucky didn't seem to be making any plans for today. He didn't want to go back to his cabin yet, so he quickly made up something for them to do. Steve could do anything with Bucky, really. He seemed magnetic. His confidence and kindness pulled at Steve, and begged for him to stay. He really couldn't say no.

"Sure. Sounds great", Bucky answered.

Of course he was ready for it. His confidence was blinding and Steve was beginning to wonder if this man had any weaknesses. He kind of wanted to know what they were. He wanted to protect Bucky from them. Whatever this was felt like an indie romance movie. It was perfect. Steve had been hurt before, and it worried him that he was setting himself up that same pain. Bucky seemed like an incredible man though, and the way he held him while he slept... it felt genuine. He touched him with such gentleness and it had Steve convinced that he was falling just as much as he was.

"Sorry...I'd drive us but my rental is where I'm staying" Steve said.

Bucky smiled. "Don't worry about it, Steve Rogers. I'll take you anywhere you desire."

Steve smiled back, blushing a little. He sort of wanted Bucky right there, but he thought that to be inappropriate. The wholesome moments they'd had together were just as pleasing to him. He couldn't choose between the passion and purity. Then again, did he have to? Bucky was one of those people you spend the rest of your life with. Whoever had him before, must've been truly crazy to let him go. Do I like Bucky or does he just make everyone feel this way?

"C'mon", Bucky said, motioning for Steve to follow. He grabbed his keys and held the door open for him. "I probably need snow shit, right?"

Steve laughed. "That would be a good idea."

Bucky handed him the keys, holding his hand into a fist for a moment. "Is it okay if you start my car? I'll get my coat and things. I trust you to not steal it", Bucky said with a smile, almost winking.

Steve looked, and felt, honored. He nodded his head and gently shut the front door behind him. That was cute. What he just did, Steve thought as the warmth from his hand drifted away with the cold wind. He put and turned the keys in the ignition of Bucky's car. He had a nice car, but it was humble. Bucky wasn't the type of person to show off, Steve could tell. What made him stand out was all natural: his charm and looks. The kind of looks that made other men question themselves. Bucky's mouth and his eyes were too pretty to ignore.

Steve's train of thought was interrupted by Bucky getting in the car. He rubbed his hands together and let out a sigh. "Show me the way, Steve Rogers", he said enthusiastically. Steve liked the way he said his name. It came from his mouth so easily but sounded respectful and interested. It seemed like Bucky liked to say his name.  Well, that was sort of obvious by how he breathed out 'Steve' continuously last night.

Bucky and Steve drove through the trees for half an hour, dancing to songs they bonded over before they stopped at the ski resort. Bucky turned down the music they were listening to and gave Steve a worried look. It was closed. Steve could clearly see why. The snow was thin on the slopes. Bucky looked very disappointed, as if he'd suggested the idea.

"Sorry, Steve. Montana tends to be full of let-downs and unpredictable weather", he said, laughing nervously. He looked longing outside. Steve heard shame in Bucky's voice and it made his heart drop. His home state of New York tended to intimidate people and he thought maybe Bucky was embarrassed of where he was located.

"There isn't much to do", Bucky said, giving Steve a small smile. "I'm sorry this must be incredibly boring, hanging around me. I don't have a lot of ideas. I'm not exactly...given many options here." His eyes looked almost scared. It made Steve high and low at the same time. So, Bucky Barnes did have weaknesses. Steve regretted ever being curious as it was painful to see him unhappy.

"Wait", he said immediately, almost gasping. "Don't feel bad! Lucky for you I'm creative and... adventurous." Was that pushing it? I'm literally from a huge city. He laughed a little as an idea came to him. "Have you ever been skating?"

Bucky laughed. "Do you ever relax, Steve Rogers?"

"Well...", Steve was about to argue before he realized he was right. "No, I do not." Bucky's observation made him smile. He was a really active person. He just couldn't sit still, exactly. He had to feel accomplished and productive.

"We relaxed last night. I'm going to let you have this one still", Bucky teased. He paused. "But yes, I actually have. A few times."

Steve wasn't expecting him to say yes. "I...'ve never skated before. I am extremely sure I would look like an idiot."

"I'll teach you." Bucky looked pleased with himself. He took the car out of park and pulled forward a little. "Did you want to do that?", he asked, looking back at Steve.

He thought for a moment. Was he about to make himself look like a fool in front of Bucky Barnes? "Yes", he said.

Another half hour of the same music and driving passed. "This is the only place we have", Bucky said as he parked in front of a small, but quaint outdoor rink. There were a few people there, mostly children and parents. One couple was circling the ice.

"I think it's perfect." Steve took off his seatbelt. "For the record, I'm not bored. I'm used to constant noise. I came here for release. And, you're...", Steve paused to wonder if he'd scare Bucky away by saying something too soft. "perfect. For it", he finished.

Bucky's eyes glittered when he said 'perfect'. He saw it. Steve smiled as the stress of scaring him went away. He believed eyes were telling, and Bucky's eyes...his really pretty eyes... were inviting him.

Bucky gave him a big smile and very softly met his middle finger with Steve's cheekbone. He quickly, but still softly, traced it before bringing his hand to the car door.

"Let's teach you how to ice skate."

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