The Secret Life of Cherry Potter

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Chapter One: Hogwarts awaits !

Beads of sweat drip on my face, as the carriage takes another dramatic drop. Feeling sick I rest my head

against the window, and take in a deep breath. This ride is not what I signed up for ! The ride here is not the

only worry that plagues my mind, oh no, I can't be like any normal girl here. Although I completely agree that

normal is overrated. No, I am only the secret hidden daughter of Mr. And Mrs. James and Lilly Potter, and my

brother is the one and only Harry Potter; the boy who lived ! Sometimes when I'm bored ( which is not very

often ) I imagine how his life turned out. Wondering and hoping it turned out better than mine. Sure, I am by

far the most beautiful girl who attends Beauxbaton Academy, except maybe for Fleur Delacure ( but she

hardly counts since she is part veela. ), but my interests in life don't consist of getting my makeup perfect, or

being able to point my toes excellently in ballet. I've always preferred watching Quidditch, and in the rare

occasion I got ahold of a broom, enjoyed playing is as well. I don't gawk at my beauty like the other girls at

Beauxbaton do, although many students have assured me my appearance is stunning. My hair radiates red, and

flows down to my shoulders. My eyes are a piercing green, and are masked with thick eyelashes. I am quite

skinny, although I eat like a horse, and for a girl I am extremely tall. I have pictures of my parents, and lean

towards looking more like my mom than dad. Minus his height, all my traits come from my mom. As far as I've

heard Harry looks just like my father, except he too has flashing green eyes. I've learned these things from

Uncle Sirius, the only person on this planet who knows who I really am. Not even the famous and respected

Albus Dumbledore has a clue I exist. I've always known my parents were Potters, and that my brother

attended Hogwarts, but everything else was a mystery until Sirius came along. It all started one day with a

very beaten up owl, barely staying upright, flying into my room. This was the first piece of mail I had ever

gotten since I had entered the wizarding world. It described to me all the missing pieces in my life, which

makes me eternally grateful for Uncle Sirius. It probably took him three days to write the ten page letter down.

He ended it with saying it is ideal I keep everything a secret, and only to tell Dumbledore if I ever met him. I

am to give him this letter explaining everything. I am excited about landing, and also extremely nervous, but I

don't have much time to sort out these emotions because the carriage is taking another drastic lurch, and this

time it's landing. The horses nay and rear back, making us crash through the handcrafted runaway. Finally on

firm ground again, I find new found confidence in revealing my little secret to Dumbledore.

The Secret Life of Cherry Potter ( A Harry Potter fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now