Chapter Eleven: Maze Haze

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" Good luck," George whispers into my hair. " I won't need it," I whisper back letting his lips lock with mine. " I

know, " he breathes," Good luck anyways." He kisses me again for a brief second, then breaks away when

Dumbledore approaches. " Miss Cherry the champions are beginning to line up, we will be starting in five

minutes." I say goodbye to George, then follow Dumbledore into the arena transformed into a maze. " So you

and Mr. Weasley ?" He murmurs curiously. " Yes sir," I respond. " Nice choice." We enter into the arena

where all the champions are surrounded by their families. Even Harry has George's dad. My face sinks for a

moment and I stop in my tracks. " Miss Potter," Dumbledore whispers pointing his eyes towards the hilly

terrain in the distance. A shaggy dog peaks his head from behind the trees and trots a little closer to us. "

Sirius," I murmur as tears of joy spring to my eyes. " Can I talk to him ?" I ask. " There will be plenty of time to

talk to him after the third task. " Dumbledore says. I line up alongside Harry and Krum with a smile glued to

my face. I can't wait to talk to Uncle Sirius afterwards. " Good afternoon ! " Dumbledore booms amplifying his

voice with his wand. " Today the champions will be entering the deadly maze. If they are to get into trouble

they will shoot red sparks into the air signaling for them to be pulled from the maze. Understood, then let the

task begin ! " A gun once again fires into the air and the grass of the maze spreads open eerily. " Go on,"

Madam Maxime urges giving me a gentle push. The grass covers behind me, and the noise of the crowd

completely disappears. The air chills, and the sky darkens. The fear of dementors being here strikes me and I

quickly produce white smoke from my wand that forms into a proud stag. It follows ahead of me and lights my

way. Tripping and stumbling I make my way towards a dead end. " Ugh !" I yell in Cerebral palsy, kicking a

shrub with my foot. I pout for a brief second then begin to try to find a different route. The shrub wraps around

my foot though and cuts off all blood flow. I shoot green sparks from my wand. Before I know what has

happened I hit the ground and am being dragged through the dust. A petrifying scream escapes my mouth,

along with several clusters of dirt. The dragging continues though, and almost all my body is hidden away in

the grass walls. I dig my fingernails into the dirt as my last resort. Pain tingles through my protesting muscles

This has to end I can't continue on in this tournament. My wand is only a few inches from my grasp. A little

closer and it's all over. I release my finger from their hold in the ground and stretch out for my wand. The

shrubs tug harder, and my fingers are ripped from the dirt. I slide backwards retreating farther and farther into

the darkness of shrubs. I let out another horrible scream and this time someone comes barreling towards me.

" Cherry !" Harry cries, shooting down the shrubs and retrieving my wand. The evil plants release their hold

The Secret Life of Cherry Potter ( A Harry Potter fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now