Chapter Twelve: Confusion Passes and life goes on...

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After my biggest secret is revealed it feels I am mixing in with the air. Or being sucked into a vacuum. Waving good bye to Harry I float away against my will. Tossing and turning it seems this out of body experience has dragged me down to all my significant memories. First as expected I see the closest thing I ever had to parents be blasted away by the cruel Lucious Malfoy. This memory begins mixing with the first time I felt magic tingle from my fingertip when I was ten. Then like a huge melting pot it exposes the disappointment I felt when entering Beauxbaton for the first time. Slides from China and Paris follow next, along with the first time I met Harry, my famous brother. Sirius's worn face and shaggy hair covers my view along with George's eyes crinkled from laughing. His laughter feels my ears and I can feel tears drift down my ghostly face. I just wish I could tell him goodbye I think, as I watch yet another flash of the first time I rode a broom. Wind begins whistling around my ears, and it fills like I'm being sucked into a black hole. Suddenly I'm enveloped in total darkness. " Lumos, Lumos !" I cry, but no light comes. I begin flipping and whirling downward until I can see a dim light at the bottom. Then as suddenly as the wind storm came it disappears, and I find myself in Dumbledore's office. I brush off my knees then perch myself in his desk chair. Why am I here ? For several minutes I just sit there and let the photos of former headmasters stare and point at me. It seems a whole year has passed before the door knob twists, and Dumbledore and Harry enter the room. " Can you see me ? " I demand. Dumbledore looks up, and his old wrinkled face covers in shock. " Oh good ! Dumbledore I need your help! I have no clue what's happened ! " For a second his eyes look thoughtful behind his glasses then he speaks. " Miss Potter, you have become a half ghost I'm afraid. They are actually very rare. A half ghost is a person who dies violently and unexpectedly for no real reason. Most of the time dark magic is involved. As a half ghost you can't decide where you go or when. " Dumbledore explains. I nod then look towards Harry. " Are you alright ?" I ask him quietly. He nods mutely. " Harry's just in shock," Dumbledore says in his absence. I nod. " I think we all are. I mean Voldemort's back and I'm a ghost. " Harry looks up at me as if he just as noticed me. " Why did you lie to me ?" Harry asks, silent angry burning in his words. " Harry, I went so long being just Cherry it was almost hard to tell the truth. I didn't want to put you in danger. I am supposed to be dead, well let me rephrase that I was supposed to be dead. If Voldemort knew I was alive I'm not sure what he would have done. " Harry slumps down into a chair, and I move to a vacant one so Dumbledore can have his. " We have to tell Sirius," Harry states sullenly. Dumbledore nods and whispers to the pictures behind him. The silence pierces my ears, and it almost hurts. A knock on the door sounds like boulders falling from the sky. " Sir, what do you want me to do with the body ?" Snape sneers. " I have a name you do !!" I scream jumping up. I'm about sick of this guy. " Oh joy. Looks like we have a half ghost problem." Snape mutters, hiding his shock. " Professor please have the body sent to Godric's Hollow." Dumbledore orders. " So you are a Potter after all," Snape grunts. " Yeah Snape I am, and you still are just a want to be death eater," I retort. He scowls at me then quickly leaves the room. " And look who let the dog in," he murmurs as he leaves. Sirius as a huge shaggy dog enters the room, and transforms back into his real self the second the door closes. " Dumbledore are the rumors true ?" He demands. Dumbledore nods to me, and I spin my chair around. " Afraid so," I confirm rising to give him a much needed hug. Silent tears drip down his rugged face, as my arms go through his body. " Don't cry, Sirius. I'm still here." He nods, and wipes the tears away. " Harry, are you ok ?" He asks, turning towards him. " Yeah sure." He answers, just as George burst through the door. " Cherry !! " He yells, running to me ( almost through me )." Hi, George." I greet, pulling a strand of hair from his face. It remains there though without even a small movement. " What happened ?" He exclaims. " Voldemort happened." I explain. " Why would he want you?" George questions. " Oh come on, George. You haven't figured it out yet. Cherry is my twin sister. But don't worry mate she wasn't even decent enough to tell me she was until after she was dead ! " Sirius starts to rebuke him, but I beat him to it. " Look, I don't like this let's all pity poor little Harry game !!! I know you're angry but don't you dare take it out on me !!!! Merlin's beard !! I was just trying to help you !" I rant. " I never asked for anyone to help me," he mutters. " Whatever.George I hope you completely understand why I kept this hidden from you." He nods sadly. But I can't say anything else I'm being sucked away again. I can only exclaim a last note of encouragement. " I love you guys !! Harry be strong !! He's back !!


Ok I realize I stink at cliffhangers. Don't be sad though I plan to write another sequel to this in Cherry's point of view as a ghost. Good idea or bad idea ? If I do it I need some support !! Before I begin the next one I want at least five comments on my story !! Please is it that hard ? You just write something nice then click send ! Do you realize how awesome that would make my day ?!?!? So if you want to see more of Cherry Potter I need some encouragement. So just scroll on down and write a piece of feedback. If I don't get any I will assume my fanfiction story has died away...... Ok well it's up to you now !! I'm making it hard on you. Also check out my other stories A clean slate, and Ramona Q. Bend. I'm also working on this awesome series. I have it all written, I just haven't posted it yet. Right now I'm refining and editing. So let's be clear five comments!!! Thanks to everyone for reading my story ! God bless !!

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