Chapter Eight: Shall we Dance ?

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Drama is what fuels the corridors these days. Ever since Professor Mcgonagall announced that Hogwarts would be presenting the Yule Ball a couple of weeks ago, every one has gone mad ! The even worse part is all champions are required to bring a date. No boy has quite met my fancy here ( beside Fred Weasley ) and besides I have no time for romance. I'm the stinking daughter of Lilly and James Potter how can my life be worried with puppy love ? " Cherry, you alright ?" Harry asks, shaking my shoulder a little. " Hmm, oh yeah brilliant." I assure quickly snapping back into Potions Class. " You sure you were kinda staring out in space there for a second. You promise your not mad ?" He jokes. " No I'm 89 % sane, pretty sure." I whisper, because Snape is walking into the room. " 89% percent, huh ?" He murmurs raising his eyebrows. " Mr Potter and Ms. uh Cherry, if you would kindly discontinue flirting until the end of my lesson." Snape requests in his dull tuneless voice. " Of course, Snape." I half snarl, retrieving my potions book from my back. " Five points from Gryffindor," Snape states. " How come ?" I object. " Your presence. Now turn to page 234." I no time to defend myself though, as the room is being filled with the ruffle of page flipping. Potions class always makes me wish I had a spell that could fast forward time. Maybe one day I will learn one, or find Hermoine's time turner. Which ever comes first. As for now the clock is ticking down slower than glaciers. Is there a way to make a clock appear faster I wonder ? Probably not. So instead I try and focus on my book. The pages and pages of ingredients though are mind numbingly boring. Harry seemed fully focused though. What book is he reading because it can't be this. I lean over his slight shoulders and scan the moving pages of a news report about the Triwizard Tournament champions. I move across to my name followed by a short paragraph.

Cherry Winston ( or so she says )

Who is this brave little Cherry Winston ? Is she just an innocent Beuxbaton attend

Or possibly an illegal immigrant from America ? This girl is full of mystery and secrets

If she is an illegal immigrant than why ? Could she be a possible death eater for He-Who- Must

Not-Be- Named ? So many questions without answers with this one. Best of luck to her, after

Her performance with the dragon she is going to need it

Written By: Rita Skeeter

This woman can't be serious can she ? An illegal immigrant . A death eater . I'm too young to be a death eater !!!! Oh she is going to get it eventually. The clock finally ticks down and the bell releases us from this prison. " Cherry I have a very important question to ask you ?" Harry says the second we are out of the room. " Sure," I reply nonchantaly heading to eat lunch. " Where are you an illegal immigrant from ?" I snap my head around to see him laughing at his little joke. " Oh you know I had to flee the country when I was accused of being a death eater as a baby ," I giggle. " Yeah, this question is serious ok ?" I look into his face to make sure." Yeah," I answer a tad bit to nervously. " You know how we have to have a date for this ball thing ?" He starts shuffling his feet. " Oh yeah. Been trying not to think about it honestly. " He bites his lower lips a little then continues. " Could we go as as as you know Ffriends ?" He stammers. Oh goodness ! He didn't just seriously ask that question did he ? This is so wrong ! " Harry, there is soo many things wrong with this !" I almost scream backing away. His eyes show clear hurt. " Why ?" He looks like I just shot his puppy. " Well for one we're both champions so I think that is like against the rules, and for two Hermoine really really likes you so I think you should ask her." Ok I lied about that last part but desperate times call for desperate measures. " Nah Hermoine and us are just friends. Besides Ron fancies her." George Weasley walks down the hall at this moment, poor mate. " And and and I'm going with George," I improve flagging him down. Dumbfound he stares at me. " Sorry explain later." I quickly mutter into his ear. He smiles at me." Looks like I got me date before Fred." He mouths back. " Oh well ok," Harry says disappointed. " I'm sorry, Harry." I apologize. " Oh it's alright. I understand," He reassures moping into the grand hall. " Kinda harsh don't you think," George observes. " If you knew the whole story you would entirely understand I promise." With that last note, hand in hand George and I walk into the grand hall to announce our status for the dance.


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