Part 6

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I collapsed on my bed and sighed. It had been a long and tiring day. I couldn't wait to see Melody. After what had happened last time, I was afraid of what I was thinking and feeling. I can't believe that I was about to do that with her in my dream.

I tried to calm myself down as I slowly drifted off to sleep. When I opened my eyes I was happy to see her waiting for me. "Melody!" I called out to her and she jolted in surprise.

She slowly turned to face me and with tears streaming down her face she choked "Sung.....jong?"

I rushed to her side "What happened?"

She didn't answer.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. "It's okay now. I'm here" I spoke soothingly. "You're safe now."

She wrapped her arms around me and continued to sob.

I felt powerless. There was nothing I could do to help her and I knew it because we were only in a dream. Damn it! I wish this were real so that I could find whoever did this to you and make them pay.

After some time, she finally regained her composure and said "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize" I said as I kissed her forehead. "What happened?"

She took a deep breath and said "I finally confronted Brittany."

My eyes widened in shock "You did?"

"Yeah" she chuckled a bit. "I couldn't stand being pushed around by her anymore. I'd finally had enough, so I called her out on her attitude and behavior. I wanted to know why she hated me."

"What did she say?"

"Apparently," she chuckled some more "I stole everything away from her. That's why she hates me."

"I don't get it. What did you steal from her?"

"I didn't steal anything" she defended herself. "She liked this guy named Charles and, according to her, he had feelings for me."

"So she thinks you stole him away from her?"


"Did you like this Charles guy?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"I did like him" she answered "but only as a friend. He and Brittany were the only ones who welcomed me when I moved. They were my best friends!" She started sobbing again "How did we end up like this?"

I hugged her again "Shhhh.....It's okay." I tried to calm her down. "Everything is going to be fine."

She pulled away from me a bit and asked "Will it?"

I was tongue-tied "Huh?"

"The whole reason this dream world exists is because I just wanted to escape from everything Brittany and her friends put me through" she confessed "but now that I confronted her..."

"It will be fine" I spoke with assurance.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I still need you" I held her tightly. "I can't let you go."

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back "I hope you're right."

"Sungjong! Wake up!" Hoya called me from the distance.

I quickly pulled away from Melody and lightly pecked her lips. "I'll see you soon" I smiled with confidence.

I opened my eyes and sighed. I hope today goes by quickly so that I can see her again.


After all the crying I did yesterday and in my sleep, I was thoroughly exhausted but relieved. It felt as though a huge weight had finally been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer had the tightness in my chest and I could finally breathe easier. 

"Why didn't I do this sooner?" I asked myself and suddenly and image of Sungjong flashed before me. "Sungjong" I whispered to myself. I didn't want to loose him. That's why I've put up with her bullying all this time. I was afraid that I would loose him if I confronted my problems with her. Suddenly tears fell from my eyes once more.

It took me quite some time to regain my composure. The thought of loosing Sungjong made me so anxious that all I wanted to do was fall asleep once more so that I could be with him again. Unfortunately, because I was so anxious, I couldn't fall asleep. To try and relax a bit, I decided to go for a walk.

As I was walking, I couldn't help but think of everything that Brittany had said to me. Why did she think that Charles liked me? We were only friends. It made no sense!

"Melody?" I heard someone call me from behind.

I turned around and was shocked "Charles?"

He ran over to me and gave me a hug. "It's so good to see you!"

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