Take Me With You: Chapter 1

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I woke up to the feeling of a large arm wrapped loosely around the middle of my waist. Every so often I'd feel the tip of fingers tap my uncovered stomach as I breathed in and out. My tank top was scrunched up from movement in my sleep leaving my stomach naked, and my bra close to showing. Luckily the loose black shorts I had changed into were still on correctly.

I took a deep breath, holding it in as I stretched. My body ended up closer to the edge of the bed and I was sprawled out on my stomach. I was reluctant to get out of bed, keeping my eyes closed, but eventually decided it was probably best.

The hand, once on my bare stomach, began to move. The large biceps curled, enclosing me in his grasp, and pulling me into him closely. I could feel his undressed chest on my back. I had no idea he was awake. The sudden movement waking me up fully, and the connection of our skin sending blood to my cheeks.

"You scared the crap out of me Cal!" I giggle heart still throbbing fast in my chest.

He responded with kisses placed in a line up my neck to the under part of my ear. The butterflies causing me to curl up in a smaller ball and try to pull my shoulder and jaw together.

"Come on babe," I groaned," We have to get up."

"Says who!" He questioned and gently biting my lower neck.

"Caaall. Stooppp that feels weeeird" I said squirming in his arms.

He laughed," Does it tickle?"

I hesitated, but eventually admitted it did," Yess it tickles so stop biting me there!!"

He chuckled slightly and agreed to stop," Okay, I'll stop biting you...," He paused and I felt his body shift on the bed and began to scoot a bit lower, "At least I will right there."

I squealed and my body shot forward as I felt a nibble on my stomach.

"Caallum! What the hell!?" I whined and he laughed loudly," It's not funny. Stupid bassist.." I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms at my chest.

His laugh began to settle and his lips started to pout," That's not very nice."

I was about to say sorry for my joke being a little rude when he spoke again.

"I'm obviously the sexy bassist." he corrected.

All I could do was face palm myself and giggle," Oh, you're right how could I have been so mistaken."

"It's okay babe. It's early in the morning so I can forgive you."

I smirked at him while laying on my back as he laid over me. His right elbow placed to the side of my waist, the rest of him lounged in the middle of the bed, and his head laying on my stomach still uncovered. My cheeks felt a permanent red wash over them.

"Y/n..?" He asked. I could feel the smirk on his face place on my belly.


"I can hear you're stomach.. And... I think you're hungry."

I couldn't help but laugh. I tried my best not to as I could see his head moving along with my stomach as I did so.

"We should go eat something.." He suggested.

"I haven't gone to the store lately so there's nothing here to eat..."

"We can go out somewhere for breakfast then!"

He arose from the bed and stood up, pulling on my arms. I laid there limply refusing to get up.

"Weren't you the one who said we should get up y/n?"

"Yeah.." I groaned," But then you said we should stay in beeeddd"

He abruptly dropped down above me on his hands and knees. I literally thought he was going to just fall on top of me and break my rips or something.

I stared at him with widened eyes," Thanks! I really wanted a near death experience!"

"Good, you can thank me with food"

I loosely brought my arms around his neck, clutching one of my wrists with the opposite hand.

"Can't I just thank you in kisses?" I asked biting my lip while glancing back and forth between his eyes and plush pink lips.

He smirked and came closer, attaching his lips to mine. Each of the kisses getting gradually deeper and more passionate than I anticipated. I positioned my legs around his waist as he pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around me from behind my back.

I was taken aback and had to remove my lips from his when he jumped down from the bed onto the hardwood floor.

"What do you think are you doing Hood?" I asked disappointed.

I took my hands from behind he neck, crossing them once again at my chest. His hands still gripping the back of my thighs, holding me up.

"I was thinking we could take a shower before we get something to eat" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down knowing I'd gladly take his invitation, but mostly it made me giggle.

"Ooooh,.." I kissed him quickly and returned my arms to their original position," Then by all means Mr. Bassist, do continue"

This is definitely going to be a fun and.. Long, morning...


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Take Me With You: Calum Hood ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now