Chapter 3

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A/N just a little clarificantion this book in Taysia's POV but I'll throw in a few Damon POVs and sometimes an Elena POV.


Taysia's POV

  Damon began to fiddle with my hair and accidentally pulled out a few strands. I giggled and rubbed my scalp. "That really hurt you big jerk." I said shoving him off the couch. In a mere 7 hours, Damon taught me modern english. And ordered me a cell phone. An IPhone 4S! I love the Siri. She sounds like my mother. Which creeps me out and makes me happy. Stefan came over and screwed with my hair. I had worn my new boots and kicked him in the shin. Stefan yelped in pain. I giggled. Damon leaned down and kissed my head. 

"What should we watch?" I asked. I flipped throught the channels until this movie about vampires was on. Twilight. I giggled when a man with a Stefan cut came out.

"Ha! Edward Cullen has hair like Stefan. So cool!" I said. Stefan played with his hair. I watched the whole movie and was hooked.

"Why Can't we sparkle?" I asked. Damon looked at me with eyes of pure ocean water.

"Because Angel, we live in the real world where vampires burn in the sun." Damon said with a smirk. I got upp from the floor and sat Damon's lap with my legs on Stefan's. 

 Damon took me out hunting in the city. We began running through the woods. I smelt it. That intoxiacting scent. Blood. I turned away and ran at it. I hid in the bushes and watched the couple eat s'mores. I ran at vampire speed at drained the man of blood. The woman looked at me and screamed. I ran at her and covered her mouth.

"It's a shame when love goes awray." I said. I pretended to try to comfort her but as soon as she relaxed I sunk my fangs into her neck. She began to fight against me but I kept my grip tight against her. She stopped moving minutes after I had finsihed her. I shoved the bodies into the fire and watched as they burned. I took their wallets and drivers licences and threw them in. Damon found me there. I felt absolutley no remorse at what I had just done. I felt great. 

"Taysia?" Damon said. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. I felt nothing towards him. Nothing at all except for he was another predator.

"What." I spat.

"You're clothes. You're neck. They're covered in blood. And it's not yours." Damon said. I nodded as if I was waiting for the next bit.

"Yea, so wat. I'm a vampire. I eat humans Damon. And these two were basically screaming for me." I said. I chuckled at my play on what happened. 

"Taysia. What happened this isn't you." Damon said.

"Damon, it's in my nature. But falling in love isn't and I thought being the human eater that you were you'd be okay with this. But falling for me and this proves me wrong. Bye, I'm going home." I said shoving past him.

I walked in to see Katherine and Stefan making out on the couch.

"Katherine." I muttered. I ran at her and grabbed her by her neck. My vampire side came out and she began to squirm.

"No pleas-" She began but I only squeezed tighter.

"This is your fault! Damon, Stefan and I are vampires because of you!" I said. Stefan then pushed me to the ground grabbing Katherine.

"Taysia, This is Elena. Taysia! Is that human bloo- what did you do." He asked. I smiled at him and pointed to my clothes and hair and neck.

"You mean this. Had a small two course meal of a stupid couple in the woods. The usual. They were delish but you're little girlfriend smells alot better. Hmm. Just a bite or two please. She smells so good. It's overpowering." I said. I ran before he could answer and then bit her neck. She screamed and Stefan yanked me off of her. I turned around to growl at him until something was in my back. I turned around and saw Damon.

"I'm sorry." He said. And then the world went black.

Damon's POV

I carried her limp and now clean body downstairs. I put her on the cot and played with her hair. She would be out for at least 5 more hours. I couldn't help but stare at her lips. I felt the need to kiss her overpower my senses and pressed my lips to hers. I walked out and locked her in for as long it would take for her to come back to me. I watched as she began to convulse and whitish red foam come out of her mouth. I unlocked the door and then began to shake her. She stopped shaking and opened her eyes.

"Damon. It hurts. Damon. I love you." She said and then her eyes looked up and became glassy. I grabbed her in my arms and held her. I saw a small nip at her shoulder. Those humans weren't humans. And now my angel was gone.

I had scheduled her to be buried in the Slavatore crypt. Everyone was there even the people who didn't know her yet but had wanted to. Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, Jeremey. Anna had even come along with Pearl. One of Liliana's good, vampie, friends Kat (Katherine101) and Brooke (BrookeErinMelton) had come to comemerate her. I watched as the lid closed and everyone left. I brought over a chair and slept beside my angel for the rest of the night.

Taysia's POV

I watched as my body was put in a small casket and brought in the Salvatore crypt. Damon's doing of course. I watched as everything went by. Stefan and Damon crying over my corpse. I walked overand put my hands on their shoulders. "I'm sorry." I said. I turned to see that Bonnie girl was staring at me. "Can you hear me?" I asked. She nodded and wrote something down. I know a spell. Don't worry. 

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