Chapter 5

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I walked out of my room with a small smile on my face. I walked down to the living room to grab a small drink before my job interview Stefan had rigged for me. I felt a small amount of guilt but I need to be normal. I heard a whoosh of wind and turned around to see Damon. Naked.

“Ahh! Damon! You did that on purpose you ass!” I said. I grabbed the towel Stefan threw at me and threw it at him.

“You shouldn’t be up. If you were you wouldn’t have seen me like this. I could’ve been indecent.” He said with a smirk. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and grabbed my phone. I passed him and looked back to see him sitting down with his face in his hands. I heard a stray thought ring out. Taysia why’d you leave me.

“Bye Damon.” I said. I pretended to have not seen it. I caught a ride with Jer to The Grill. We drove there and Matt Donavan gave me a smock and I worked a whole tiredly shift. I walked back home and slammed the door.

“Stefan! Coffee! Now! And a doughnut too!” I screamed up the stairs. I began to walk to the kitchen but tripped over the rug and fell on my face. I saw a pair of shoes standing in front of me. I looked up at Damon.

“I didn’t realize that you needed coffee that bad or it’s just my presence.” He said. I grabbed his hand he had offered me and saw a small flash of pain when I did. I was causing this by pretending to be dead. But I felt that something was out there waiting for me and him. I was trying to keep him safe. But there was another option. I could fight for him. For us. But that involves telling him. Soon. I’ll tell him soon. 

“Where’s Stefan.” I asked a little coldly. He looked a little hurt when I said it.

“Out with Elena. I’m now your personal java maker. Shall we?” He asked. I slipped my hand with his.

“We shall.” I said. He looked a little hurt when I said this.

“So why are you so tired?” Damon asked while he was making my coffee. My head was against the counter along with my lips so when I first said my reply it sounded like mfmgindjfn.

“I worked a whole shift at the Grill.” I said. I now work Monday to Thursday nights.

“Ah! I see. It was so boring wthout me that it tired you to an extend of shooting yourself to the ground.” He said. Such an egomaniac but a sexy egomaniac.

“Damon what if Taysia was alive? And staring at you, instead of me?” I asked. He looked at me with a small smile and his eyes in a dreamy stare.

“It’d be perfect but I think she’d like you. You’re almost exactly like her. Kind, caring, humourous, annoying but her other traits like bravery and motherly intuition to me and Stefan made her so much better. And she is- I mean wasn’t bad on the eyes. “ Damon said. I then received a thought that he obviously wasn’t proud of. But Bonnie miffed the spell.

“Damon What if I was Taysia?” I asked He turned around and looked me in the eyes.

“I’d be the happiest man alive. I’d pull you in for a kiss, like this, and then just you know kiss you. But I won’t cause you’re not. Because she’s dead.” He said. I looked at him and all the pain he’s in and decided that it was time now to tell him.

“Damon. I’m Taysia.” I said. He turned around. His eyes flashing with confusion and then pain.

“Prove it.” He said. I thought back to when he was eight.

“When you were eight you told me that you blamed Stefan for the death of your mother. And that you missed her. You then cried into my shoulder.” I said. He looked at me with shock written all over his face.

“How? Bonnie-“ He began.

“I asked her to. I wanted to keep you safe. I felt like something in the spirit world wanted us separated or worse dead. But I’m ready to fight for you. For us.”  I said. He looked me over and then in a second we were back in the same position as we were before. Before I could breathe his mouth was on mine. I felt his tongue trace my lips begging for entrance. I opened my mouth and then I was in pure bliss.

“I’m ready to fight for you, Taysia. For eternity. I’m yours.” Damon said with a small smirk.

“Good to know 1864’s never couple’s together.  So happy that my doppelgänger isn’t like me aren’t you Taysia.” Elena said. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

“Oh am I not remembered here. Hmm, here’s a hint. I killed Taysia and then changed the Salvatores.” She said with a smug smirk. I knew this spoiled brat way too well.

“Katherine.” I said no sign of kindness in the word.

“Oh I’m not Kat anymore? Sad.” She said her eyes sparkling.

“Yea you lost that after you had Emily lock me up for almost 200 years!” I said. She smiled and walked over.

“Well, you were supposed to stay dead, Tay.” She said as she grabbed my arm. She pulled me into a deathly pose. My neck exposed to her fangs. Damon looked at me with pain written all over his face. I winked at him and did what he had taught me in 1864. I stomped on er foot turned around and punched her in the face.

“I see you remember that.” Damon said. I smiled and pecked his lips.

“Thought it would come in handy one day. I thought right!” I said fist pumping the air.

"Um, I think she broke my nose and a few toes." Katherine said. I looked at her with a smile on. I grabbed her arms and forced them behind her back and forced her out of the mansion. I kicked her butt and then slammed the door.

"Well, it looks like my girl is strong, for a human." Damon said. I looked him in the eyes with a smile on.

"Well, it looks like my man is kind, for a vampire." I said. He smiled and began to pull me upstairs. We were in his room and he handed me a package. I opened it and found my cameo. Damon looked at me and moved my curly locks back to their original placement. I smiled at him and turned. 

"I knew that I had found my Angel when I first saw you. My little Angel sent here for me." He said. I nodded and felt my eyes tear up.

"Damon, I love you so much that no words can explain it." I said. He stroked my cheek tenderly. He looked me in the eyes. 

"I'm sorry but you'll have to forget this." He said. I watched his eyes move and then felt nothing. 

"Good the vervain works." He said with a smile. I looked at him with a small smile. He moved my hair.

"I think it's time for a haircut." he siad. I shook my head, my ringlets bouncing.

"I'm joking Taysia!" He said with his hands raised. I smiled and pecked his lips. I walked down the sairs to see an invitation.

Please Join 

The Mikaelson Family

This Evening at 7 O'clock

For Dancing, Cocktails & Celebration

I looked at Damon and smiled. My smile quickly faded as he shook his head. I nodded and eventually I won! I grabbed his credit card and left to go buy a dress. I found the most amazing blue chiffon dress. I bought it for $388 and left with a happy smile on my face. I whistled for a bit until I ran into a man. He turned around and looked into my big blue eyes.

"Hello I'm Kol." 

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