Chapter 11 ~ Double Numbers! ~

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~|Taysia's POV|~

I woke up to Damon yelling in pain. I run downstairs to see him with the drapes open. His ring on the table. I hear him mutter something that was like a knife through my heart. 

"I love you Taysia!" I run to him but not before Stefan pushes his him out of the sunshine. I hide behind the couch. 

"What are you doing?!" Damon sputters. 

"I'm saving your life along with Taysia's." he says. Damon gets up and grabs his ring. 

"Don't you get it Stefan? I hurt her whenever I cringe or groan in pain. Last night when I thought she was sleeping I let one slow moan out. She looked at me and held my wrist. She promised to get me a cure no matter what. I don't want her to do that." He says pointing upstairs.

'She a t least deserves a good bye, Damon!" Stefan says. i grab the vervain dart I had swiped from Alaric. I tip toed over. Stefan saw me but pretended not to. I kept walking.

"Stefan. Taysia deserves someone else. Someone who can give her a normal life with kids and grandkids not me!" He says. I was behind him.

"I don't care what I deserve, Damon. I love you. I'm so sorry." I say. He turns around.

"What-" I stab him in the side with the dart. He falls to the ground. "Taysia?" He says before his eyes close. Stefan carried him downstairs and put him in the cellar. I hold on to the bars and look at him with worry written on my face. 

"He's gonna be okay." Stefan says patting my shoulder. I nod but don't take my eyes off of Damon. 

~| 2 hours later |~ 

"Taysia." I hear a voice as someone shakes me. 

"Hmm." I say. He nudges me with his shoe and that's when I shoot up. I see Alaric. He smiles. 

"How long have you been here?" He asks. I smile and look at my watch. 8:30. 

"Two hours..." I say with a small smile. He puts his finger to his lips. 

"Alaric?" Damon moans. He walks over. 

"Here your gonna need it." Alaric says. Damon downs it. 

"That must hurt." Alaric mutters. Damon rolls his eyes. He nods. 

"Yeah, hurts Taysia 10 times more." He says with a smile. I watch as he grabs Alaric's neck. "Kill me." e pleads. 

"Damon!" I say standing up. He looks at me. 

"Taysia... No." he says as I open the door and walk in. He backs up. 

"Alaric. You can go. I've got it." I say. He nods and leaves. I turn around and walk to Damon.

"Taysia. Get out." He says making his voice dangerous. I shake my head. 

"No." I say. He looks at me and makes his eyes go red and his fangs come out.

"Taysia! Damn it! Get out!" He screams pinning me against the wall. I look into his eyes.

"No. You need my help. I'm giving it." I say shoving him. He looks suprised. 

"Why?" He asks. I look at him. 

"Because I love you just like you love me." I say. I go on my tip toes and place my lips on his. He shoves me off. I see his eyes are red again. Most girls would have run away screamong. Not me. I walked back over and touched it. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him harder. I pull back and look at him. I see where he's looking. My neck.

"Go ahead." I say. He looks at me.

"No, I'm not drinking from you." He says. I look at him.

"Drink." I say. He looks at me again.

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