Chapter 16

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I did a few cart wheels and then a back hand spring. I smile and look at everyone admiring the new girl. She was great. She walks over to me. "Hello I'm Rebekah." She says. I smile and shake her hand.

"I'm Taysia. I like your hair." I say. She smiles at me. I watch Caroline, Bonnie and Elena come over. They all had their arms crossed. "Ruh Roh." I say quoting Scooby Doo. She smiles at me. 

"What are you doing here Rebekah?" Elena asks. I smile.

"I'm playing human. Along with this human." She says pointing to me.

"Um, I'm not ANY human, I'm your brother's little sacrifice buddy." I say with a small smile. She huffs and rolls her eyes. 

"Of course. Another sacrifice." She says. I nod and puff out my cheeks.

"I'm a chipmunk. Diddley doo diddley dee!" I say as I walk around as if I was a little hyper chipmunk. They all giggle.

"Ta Da!!" I say getting up.  They all smile and Rebekah smiles.

"I would have thought you'd be a little more like Taylur. She was quite caring but not hyper. She was funny just she stole her jokes from Henrique." She says her eyes getting misty. 

"So which one changed her?" I ask. She turns to look at me her eyes wide.

"How did you know?" She asks. I smile.

"Lucky guess." I say. She nods biting her lip.

" Kol did. When my father found out he staked her in front of us all. Kol was in tears. He had really fallen for her." She says.

"Kol? Who's Kol?" I ask. She smiles.

"You've met him. I can see annoyance written over your face. It was the same look Taylur had used with Nik." She says giggling. I smile.

"We met briefly. He was more annoying than a thousand bees." I say. She begins to giggle even harder.

"Let me guess. He was hitting on you?" She says. I pout and nod.

"He did the same with Tamantha." She says. I roll my eyes. 

"So he's a total flirt." I say with a pout. She shakes her head.

"He has a thing for the readers. He loved Taylur more than Elijah or Nik ever could. When she died it left a scar." She says. "It left a scar on all of us." She adds wiping her eyes. I nod. 

"Well, So long as he leaves this alone. I'll be fine." I say gesturing to myself. I turn around and do an aerial. Everyone claps and I turn bright red. I hear them whistle so I turn to see Damon staring at me. I roll my eyes and continue to do aerials. Damon walks over so I do some back flips and a round off to get away. I get up and see him in front of me. He smirks and then snatches my necklace. He holds it and looks into my eyes. 

"You will come with me." He says. I nod and walk with him. I had lied yesterday about eating at the Grill and vervain because I had been holding vervain. He must have figured it out. I walked with him and then got in his truck. 

"Goodnight." He says with an apologetic look on his face. He smashes my head against the window. 


"Good morning sunshine." he says when I open my eyes. 

"Damon, what the hell." I say. He smirks.

"Well, I needed to explain somethings to you." He says. He grabs my wrist. "One being that for the moment being, I have no emotions. " He says and then bites into my wrist. I wringle in pain. He lets go and wipes his hand on his mouth. I hold my wrist.

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