A Royal Splash

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From: Harry [hes1@ gmail.com]
To: Honey Bee [bernadette.pw@ ubc.van.edu]
Date: 10 July 2018 12:43 AM
Subject: explain

What the hell is going on?

From: Harry [hes1@ gmail.com]
To: Honey Bee [bernadette.pw@ ubc.van.edu]
Date: 10 July 2018 12:57 AM
Subject: RE: explain

You think this is totally mental too, right?

From: Harry [hes1@ gmail.com]
To: Honey Bee [bernadette.pw@ ubc.van.edu]
Date: 10 July 2018 1:39 AM
Subject: RE: RE: explain

Was this your plan all along...?

From: Bernie [bernadette.pw@ ubc.van.edu]
To: Harry [hes1@ gmail.com]
Date: 10 July 2018 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: RE: RE: explain

No! I know it looks suspicious, but please believe me that there was no plan. I swear to it. I thought you might be a footballer or that Radio 1 host or maybe even just a regular bloke with a scary man following him around, I had no idea you were...you.

But you're right, this is mental. I'm so sorry. Please don't feel like you have to go through with it.

I'm sorry.



"He really thinks this was all a plan," Bernie whined, her forehead wrinkling in distress. Ronan and Joslyn's faces lit up the screen of her laptop, each wearing sympathetic expressions. "And worse, he thinks it was my plan."

"I doubt he really believes that," Joslyn offered.

"Really, Bernie, it's public knowledge how clueless you are," Ronan teased.

"Thanks, Ro, just the boost I needed," Bernie said. She sighed, flopping back against her pillows. Mick let out a disgruntled noise as Keith stretched his legs out further and took up more than half of Bernie's bed. The dim glow from the laptop was starting to make her eyes water in the darkness. The blackout curtains hanging over the bay window were doing their job, blocking all but a shred of sun that peeked around the corners. Bernie had gotten a combined total of four hours of sleep, but it wasn't just the lack of time zone adjustment keeping her up.

All night, Bernie's stomach alternated between tossing with nerves and swarming with butterflies. She was eager to be in Harry's presence once more; hopefully with it being just the two of them, they could recapture the spark from their night together. But just as Bernie started to feel confident she could salvage what was left between them, anxiety would take over and remind her how absolutely ridiculous Harry found the whole situation. There was no way he didn't extend those feelings toward her, too.

"I'm sorry," Ronan said. "Really though, what could you possibly gain from being with him? He's the one getting the golden ticket with this deal."

"Right? Dating an actual princess is such a life goal," Joslyn added.

"Glad to know the only perk of dating me is my title." Bernie's mood soured even more. She knew her friends weren't trying to upset her, but they weren't exactly doing the best job at cheering her up.

"Oh, you know that's not..." Ronan stopped mid-sentence as both he and Joslyn acknowledged something behind them. Bernie knew who it was before hearing her voice; Stella had arrived home. A muffled conversation between the three carried on as if Bernie weren't on the line.

"Alright, well, guess I'll go now since you lot aren't interested in me anymore," Bernie said moodily, finger poised to end the video-chat.

"Wait—no—sorry," Ronan said, turning his attention back to Bernie.

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