Chapter 26

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Tina sighed and pushed her hair out of her face. They had arrived in New York the day before but she was already back at work. She could have sworn the pile of paperwork was higher than she had left it. Of course, it wasn't. She only got paperwork after going on a mission and she hadn't gone on a mission while she was in London. She wished Newt was there, he was always really helpful when it came to paperwork. However, Newt was currently busy trying to adopt Credence and find a house. He had, however, left his case in Tina's office and Modesty was down there, reading a book.

Tina reached for her quill and started filling out another paper. Hearing someone enter the room, she looked up to see Jim standing in the doorway. 

"Welcome back," he said. "Where did you go that kept you away for so long?"

Setting down her quill, she rested her chin on her hand and said, "I went to England. Newt had a book signing and invited Queenie and me to see where he grew up."

"I see," Jim looked around casually. "Speaking of Queenie, where is she, I haven't seen her yet."

"She's at home, packing. She got married and she's moving to London," Tina said matter of factly.

Jim looked stunned. "Married? To who?"

"No one you know." Tina picked up her quill and began working again.

"I might," Jim insisted. "Who is it?"

"You wouldn't know him," Tina said, looking up. "He's a Muggle."

Jim stared at her blankly.

"What?" Tina asked.

"What's a Muggle?" Jim asked.

"Oh, did I say Muggle?" Tina shrugged. "I meant No-Maj."

"But what's a Muggle?" Jim persisted.

"Muggle is the British term for No-Maj. I've just heard it so many times that I tend to use it without thinking."

Jim rolled up a chair and sat opposite to Tina. 

"Listen, Tina -"

"Jim," Tina interrupted. "If you're going to ask me to go to lunch or to dinner or anywhere with you, I'm going to say no. You've been asking me to go out with you for almost three years and I've always said What makes you think I'm going to change my mind? I'm sorry, Jim. It's not that I don't like you, I do like you, just not in that way. "

"I'm not asking you to like me."

"I know. It's just ...." Tina paused, unsure of what to say. Jim spared her the trouble of coming up with an excuse.

"I know why you don't want to go out with me. I figured it out a while ago. He grinned. "Mr. Scamander is lucky to have you."

Tina felt herself blush. She ducked her head and quickly started filling out the paper in front of her.

"Where is Mr. Scamander?"

"He'll be coming eventually."

"But where is he?"

"Trying to adopt a son and find a house."

Jim raised his eyebrows. "A house? Where does he live now? In his case?"

"No, in an apartment, but he wants a house because he's got two kids to take care of and an apartment is a bit small for that."

"Oh, I needed to talk to him. Oh well, I'll come back later." Jim stood up and left the room. Tina groaned and went back to work.

Several hours later, after Modesty had emerged from the case and demanded food, Tina had taken her to get some lunch, and they were back in the office, Tina's stack of paperwork was barely smaller than it had been. She had just reached for another paper when Newt came into the room with Credence following behind.

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