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     Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.

     Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?

     Have you been to the doctor lately? Cause I think you're lacking some Vitamin Me.

     Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!

     Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peeling

     Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Oh wait, it's just a sparkle.

     If I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?

     If this bar is a meat market, you must be the prime rib.

      You must be a very important textbook passage, because seeing you is the highlight of my day.

     Are you a magician??? Because Abraca-DAYUM!

Hi everyone!!! I will be trying to post in this weekly, -hopefully-. Please feel free to comment some comebacks and Pick-up lines!!!

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