14.10.1960 // Talk Me Down

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I wanna hold hands with you
But that's all I wanna do right now
And I wanna get close to you
Cause your hands and lips still know their way around

John had approached Shannon the second that the show had ended, which was considerably earlier than usual as the boys seemed to rush through their usual lengthy set. He'd dragged her out of the club a little over two hours ago now, and they haven't been seen since. Similarly, George had left shy of an hour ago, with a local German girl on his arm, that's what Klaus had said when Paul asked about his whereabouts anyway, and considering i hadn't seen the boy for a while, and also considering that Klaus really had no reason to make that up, I believed that George had left with a girl, despite how out of character that seemed for him.

Stu and Astrid has also left, leaving Klaus, who had wondered in about twenty minutes into the boys set, to be the only person keeping me company. Not that I minded, Klaus was very kind and interesting to talk to. I think he had me confused for Shannon though, since he'd talk about how he does art as well, and how it's a great passion of his. But that's all we really did talk about, Klaus was quite quiet and I didn't really know what to converse about, since he seemed unimpressed by pretty much everything except for the band. So I thought I'd just leave him to watch them instead, and I don't think he minded. But we'd exchange a few words between songs and when the band had finished playing.

"Is this your first time away from Britain?" He had asked in a funny German accent just as the band had finished.

I shook my head while still drinking the same drink that George had gone to get me earlier on, Vodka and coke. "No", I replied as kindly as possible.

I thought that I should keep my answers short and simple, so that Klaus could understand and so that he wouldn't get confused, but I didn't want to seem rude, so I just waited until he asked a question and would answer it as kindly and simply as I could muster, which is hard for me as I often tend to babble about nonsense. But klaus seemed very mature, so I don't think he'd appreciate it.

"Where did you go?" He asked, as he joined in with everybody who was clapping for the band, something which I mirrored.

"A few places I suppose. Spain? I've been there a few times, Majorca and Benidorm mostly. I've went to Turkey a lot as well."

"Not only once then, no? You've been many places." He questioned, moving a bit closer to me so that he could hear me better. "Anywhere that is not Spain or Turkey?" He reached forward for his drink. "And not Germany too, I already know this." He joked, causing me to laugh.

"Ive been to Africa twice, Egypt and Tunisia. It's very good out there, very hot and loads to see." I explained to him. He seemed very fascinated by all of it, so I'm assuming he hadn't traveled before, and if he had, not all that much. Paul came to join us right about then, all sweaty from performing and joined in on the conversation immediately, telling Klaus that I'd even been to America, something which didn't impress him as much as Paul had intended.

That'd been about two hours ago and the three of us hadn't moved from our seats, except to go to the toilet in Klaus' case.
Paul had been telling us a story about when he and George had went hitch hiking for about twenty minutes now. The story was one i'd heard before and had only taken about five minutes to tell, but the inconvenience of Klaus not understanding why anybody would possibly get into a car with a stranger was all too amusing to me and added a lot of time onto Paul's little story, much to the scousers dismay.

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