Words I Could Never Say(Part2)

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My cousins will forever be in a moment they'll never forget/

10 and 8 now with the lost of a generation's information/

I wondered what you would say to me on those days that I went on stage/

Twice in April but only once in May/

To me it felt like the ground would shake/

And the audience's face/

Would be replaced with a look of "I know that ain't what he rehearsed to say"/

We always wondered why you called everyone Mary/

I wanted to ask you each time but seeing you in that bed all day that shit ain't safe for me/

Especially since I know you ain't the type to be lazy/

You were the most energetic person that I've ever seen/

Ready to do whatever you needed to keep ya family from being/

Extinguished by any means/

A legacy born from abuse, drugs, rape, break ups, destruction, and secrets/

You held the family tight like teenage kids when they're wearing their new kicks/

Raised my mother to be who she is today/

This feelin...it came from you....your death/

But in my mind you're there in the organ sitting on the left side of my chest/

You been there for me and helped through my hardships/

Taught me how to put up with the shit/

Only if you can see who I came to be with all your advice clicks/

And dips/

Frozen trips/

That could make my spinal chord sick/

May be the reason of why I'm cold/

You held on tighter than my skin while I'm wearing wet clothes/

The power you hold/

Is limitless and untold/

2010 the year you were taken away and your tendency still didn't unfold


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