Arcade Frenzy

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*Chapter Art Credit: Juvenile-reactor (Tumblr) Thank you for the perfect art!*

Noct danced in happiness and couldn't wait
any longer to enter the arcade. He gripped the metal handle that was cold to touch and led Prompto into the building. The loud noises and bright lights were overpowering and the area was quiet, only a few people gaming at 1:58 AM.

Their skin reflected the glow of the soft pink and blue neon lights. They looked like models from an aesthetic themed photoshoot. Their eyes twinkled and heavily shined back. While Noct stood taking in his surroundings, he noticed the absence of Prompto by his side. He scanned the area and found him peering into the claw machine that houses the different coloured Chocobos. Without saying anything, Noct walked over and placed 20 Gil into the machine, 4 attempts to win the plump Chocobo plushies!

The claw wobbled and the repetitive, tense music played as Noct lined up the metal hand above the Chocobo's head. It spun as Noct hit the button and it picked up the Chocobo, causing Prompto to crouch in anticipation as he held in his clap and scream. The plushie slipped out of the claw as it rose up and it bounced further away from the drop off point.

"Noooo!" Prompto placed his hand on the glass.

"I've still got 3 more tries!" Noct was determined to win the bird.

Noct positioned the claw over another plushie that was closer to the drop off point. As Noct his the button to lower the claw, Prompto shouted.

"No, I don't want that one! I want the one you went for first!" He acted like a small child.

"Really? They're all the same. Plus this ones closer!" Noct was annoyed that his try was wasted, but couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes Prompto was giving.

"...Fine." Noct rolled its eyes as he gave in to Prompto's cuteness.

The claw wobbled once more as Noct tilted his head around the corner of the machine to perfectly line up the claw with the Chocobo's plump body and head. As it spin and twirled, the boy watched in delight as the machine picked it up. It travelled across the machine, nearly dropping every time and finally it reached the end. The yellow Chocobo plopped into the box and Noct bent down to pull it out. He stood up holding it out in his arms, Prompto glowed in excitement as he lunged for it, hugging both the plushie and Noct, but the plushie blocking their proper embrace.

"Thank you!" Prompto was over the moon as he squeezed the plushie tighter and Noct who was still holding it.

Noctis still had one more go, so he tried his luck with the game to win the Black Chocobo he picked up earlier. Miraculously, the claw gripped tightly to the black bird and dropped it into the price box.

"I wasn't actually expecting to win... I don't know what to do with it now..." Noct picked it up, staring at it with a confused look.

"Keep it! We can be matching since they do reflect our personalities!" Prompto continued to hug his plushie.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Noct held out the plushie far away from him, inspecting it.

"Well, it's dark and mysterious just like you." Prompto winked.

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment." Noct smiled, now holding the plush tightly.

The two held their chocobos against them. Prompto has his warmly against his chest and Noct was holding his at his side by its wing. Noctis, as usual seemed quite moody as he was obviously getting tired, but he stopped for a moment to take in his surroundings and watch how happy Prompto looked as he skipped from machine to machine. A smile grew across his cheeks.

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