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The boys could barely stay awake on the taxi ride home. It was a confusing emotion to their bodies as the sun had already nearly finished rising. They literally used each other to walk into the elevator and up to Noct's apartment.

It was left exactly as it was in the night, dishes still were sleeping in the sink and clothes were scattered across the open plan bedroom and living room. Prompto initially locked onto the sofa, collapsing his body onto it as soon as he saw comfort.

"No way are you staying there... you're gonna have the worst back pain." Noct grabbed his back as he still ached from when he napped there.

"I could sleep absolutely anywhere right now." Prompto barely kept his eyes open so Noct intervened.

"Come on you're coming over here." Noct picked him up and carried him over to the bed, Prompto found it funny to make his body heavier.

"Geez! You're like a ton of bricks... I may just drop you right now." Noct struggled, but laughed as he pretended to drop Prompto by releasing his grip. He quickly jumped into action to catch his falling body.

"Ah so you are awake enough to walk." Noct pushed him into the bed.

"Very funny." Prompto teased looking up at him.

There was a moment between the two that sparked in their eyes, but they both only exchanged glances and smiles.

Noct threw his body next to Prompto's and they both got comfy under the covers. The tips of their heads were glowing orange from the rays peeking under the curtains.

"We should catch a few hours sleep until at least 10am so we don't mess our body clocks up too much." Noct smiled, getting himself comfy.

"Totally agreed." Prompto sank deeply into the pillow.

"Good night... Or morning? Wait now I'm so confused..." Noct giggled.

"Let's just say... sleep tight and avoid further brain work." Prompto's witty reply tickled Noct.

"Wait one thing before you sleep... you've never skipped school before have you?" Noct turned to Prompto.

"No... I always tried to avoid it, but I guess today I try it." Prompto looked ashamed that he had let himself down.

"Just because you're a truant now doesn't make you a bad person. It's one day... besides it's probably been the best day you've ever had." Noct winked.

"Yeah... maybe you're right." Prompto saw the positives and let out a smile before drifting off to sleep.

They laid closely together under the weight of the duvet. Although they exchanged the kiss and both feel strong emotions, it felt as if there was something missing. Something needed between the two.

It was obvious they were both desperately needing sleep as light snoring sounds filled the room. In a way it was soothing and set the mood. A lightly, modernly decorated apartment with the warm glow of the sun, despite the mess. The best juxtaposition from the city glow and madness of the night time adventure.

Hours passed and Prompto woke up first, finding himself staring at the ceiling, smiling as he took in the senses of where he really was right now and everything that had happened- it wasn't a dream. It was real life. Actually happening to him, the boy who was once lonely. He turned to Noct and watched him sleep, his hair brushed over his face hiding his wide open mouth and tightly shut eyes. For a moment thought washed over Prompto, "What was he doing? It is totally weird to watch someone sleep." But then he remembered that he couldn't help it, he's falling for a prince, the only thing he can do is stare and he was fine with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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