The Land of Waves

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A few weeks later

Alexis's POV

I growl silently as me and Logan walk with Tazuna to the Leaf Village.

"Our fastest team rank is gonna be bumped down to slowest." Logan voices my thoughts.

Tazuna grunts. "Just get me to your hidden village like your supposed to."

I scowl. "I remember your attitude. Logan we've escourted this guy before. Remember when we were Genin and we accidently got sent on a B-Rank to protect the bridge builder?" I ask him.

Logan looks at me shocked. "You mean this old man is Tazuna the Bridge Builder?" Logan asks me.

"I'm not that old." Tazuna grunts.

I nod. "Yeah. How old have we gotten since then?"

Me and Logan sulk.

We get to the Leaf Village and I resist the urge to run through the gates like usual.

I scowl as Guy runs up yelling something about youth and Rock Lee running behind him. I trip them and they fall on the ground dizzy.

"I do not have the patience to be walking right now."

Logan nods. "Especially when I could be beating the Uchiha Heiress."

I glare at him and he smirks back. "Well at least I'll get to pulverized you after."

"Says that bet we made when you had to wear those glasses." Logan says to me.

I scowl and walk ahead. "Ja ne. I'll be in the Hokage office." I say to him and I take off down the streets. I walk up the steps to the Hokage building and I knock on his office.

"Come in."

I walk in. "Lord Hokage, Tazuna-San is here. I left him with Logan for my own reasons."

Kakashi and his team walk in and Sasuke glares at me. I sigh with a shrug.

Naruto says something about not wanting to do these chores, Sakura hits him, Lord Hokage talks then scolds us for not listening.

"Lord Hokage, if I may say something. I already know this, so why am I still here?" I ask him.

Lord Hokage and Iruka look at me. "You can always review."

"The reason you know this is because you graduated the academy early and are the second smartest person in the village." Sasuke says to me with an accusing tone.

I look at him. "So you've finally stopped ignoring me only to accuse me of nothing. Huh, that's a new combo."

"How dare you talk to Sasuke-Kun like that you old hag." Sakura says to me.

"I'm his elder sister. Besides I'm only saying the truth, like I'm supposed to as an Uchiha Heiress." I say to her and she shrinks back slightly.

"You! An Uchiha? You don't even look like one." Sakura yells at me.

I sigh and take off my glasses. My eyesight gets fuzzy. I activate my Sharigan. "This is my Sharigan." I put my glasses on and it illuminates.

Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke look at me shocked.

"Do I look like an Uchiha now? Or do you need more proof? Because if you want more just ask anyone in the village about me. You can even ask Lord Hokage and Kakashi-San themselves." I say to her and I deactivate my Sharigan.

Sakura looks at Kakashi and he nods.

We talk more then Tazuna gets called in and Logan follows him in.

I am an Uchiha -Naruto Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now