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(A.N. Time Jump!!by a few months)
A few months later, not much had changed. Patrick continued to hide his feelings and Ellen continued on oblivious. After that day of filming, Patrick got his act together.

"Hey Ellen!" Patrick yelled to Ellen as she was about to step into her trailer.

"Hey Patty! What's up?" She replied as she waited on him to run over to her. 

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me tonight?  I, uhm, need to tell you something." Patrick was nervous and shaky but he tried to hide it. "Also, Patty?"He chuckled.

"Yes of course I'll go! Don't act so nervous. We've been out to dinner before!" Ellen laughed and tapped his shoulder. " Also, yes. Patty. I came up with it this morning." Ellen smiled feeling accomplished. Patrick got those butterflies in his stomach. He loves seeing her happy. 

"Okay. I'll  pick you up at 8. I'm glad you feel so proud of that" Patrick laughed and she smiled. Maybe she was slowly falling for him too. Maybe she just didn't know it yet.

A knock came at Ellen's front door. She was dressed in a white, body con dress with a diamond necklace that she was gifted, paired with silver heels. Ellen opens the door and standing there is one handsome man. He's dressed tux, holding red roses and chocolates. "Wow El. You look amazing."

"Awe Patty! Well, you're, uh, pretty handsome yourself!" Ellen replied awestruck.

The car ride there is quiet and uneventful. Ellen starts to become nervous and she isn't sure why.  She doesn't know what Patrick wants to tell her. She is hoping that she didn't do something to upset him. Her anxiety is through the roof. She hates surprises. 

Little does she know, Patrick is also panicking on the inside. He doesn't know how he is going to tell her that he has feelings for her but he knows that he needs to. Before they know it, Patrick pulls into a parking spot. He gets out and rushed over to help Ellen out of his Porsche. 

Once they were seated, they ordered and Patrick got them a glass of red wine. They made small talk for a few minutes but Patrick couldn't wait much longer. "So, Ellen. You know how I said I needed to tell you something?"

"Did I do something to upset you Patrick? If I did, please tell me." Ellen blurted. The suspense was killing her. Patrick let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh El, It's absolutely nothing like that" Ellen let out a sigh of relief when Patrick reassured her of it. 

"Then what is it Pat? I'm getting anxious..." Ellen trailed off, unsure of where her thoughts were leading. Patrick knew he needed to say it now and say it proud before she went too far. 

"Ellen, look at me" Patrick said as he reached for her hand. Ellen willingly allowed him to hold her's, and they locked eyes. "Ellen, I love you and I have ever since the day I met you. You're such a beautiful human being and to top it all off. You are my best friend."

Ellen sat there wide eyed and speechless. She wasn't;t sure how to respond. Her mind was going a mile a minute and she couldn't breathe. She could feel her face drop. "Patrick. I, uhm, I need to." She let go of his hand and stumbled getting up. Ellen rushed out of the restaurant. 

Ellen couldn't find anywhere private. She made an impulsive decision and ran into the trees and collapsed onto a rock. Patrick asked for the check and paid. He texted her and rushed to find her.

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