Vampire Mafia Boss Chapter 1.

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'MEEP MEEP MEEP.' Is the sound your alarm clock wakes you up with. You groan and turn it off. You walk towards your closet and grab your school uniform. You don't like the uniform; the colour is ugly and the skirts are too short. Someone said that that is so the boys come to school. You sigh and go downstairs.

'Hi, mommy.' You greet your mother. Your father sadly passed away when you were just a baby but that doesn't matter because you have the best mom ever.

'Hi, honey. Did you sleep well?' Your mother greets you back. You nod and thank her when she puts a plate with bread and eggs in front of you.

After you finish your bread with eggs you are going back upstairs to get ready. When you brushed your teeth, combed your hair and when your make-up was done you went downstairs.

'Bye mommy.' You say while you grab your coat and car keys. Yes, your car keys because you have your own car. You got it from your mother when you turned 18 (you are now 20).

When you arrive at school you see that your friends are already waiting.

'Hey (Y/N).' Says your best friend Soyong. You give her a hug and greet her back. You give all your friends a hug and then all of you enter the school. You went all to your classes. You sadly had none of your classes with your friends.

'Look who can to join us on time.' Your teacher says to you.

'Shouldn't I come next time then?' You asked. Your teacher looked pissed and told you to sit on your place. You simply roll your eyes and walk towards your place.

??? POV

My men and I drive towards the school. I'm gonna take back what's mine.

'Boss we are here.' One of my men tells me. I nod and get out of the car. We quickly go to the principal's office. In one second we are there. We are vampires so it doesn't take long to get there. My men open the door and we see the principal shocked sitting in his chair.

'Look who we have here.' I say evilly. He swallows hard. I give a signal and all of my men leave.

'W-What do want?' He asks scared.

'I want this girl. I want (Y/N).' I say while I throw a file on the table. He nods fast and calls her over.


'Song (Y/N) could you please come over to my office.' You hear over the speakers. Great! What does he want this time? You sigh and pack your bag. You walk towards the office. You see a lot of men surrounding the school. This can't be good. What did I do this time?

When you arrive at the office you go in. You don't knock because why would you?

'What is it this time?' You ask annoyed.

'You are coming with me.' You hear from behind. You slowly turn around and you see a handsome man in the corner of the office.

'No.' You simply say and you walk away.

'You are coming with me.' He says again. He grabs your hand.

'NO!' You almost scream and you harshly pull your hand out his grip.

'It wasn't a question.' He says darkly. You roll your eyes and walk away. You hear that the man says something and you suddenly feel two men dragging you towards the exit of the school. They blindfold you. You feel that they push you into a van. You try to scream but the men put something in your mouth. You tried to kick the men and with success. You kicked one of them in his private parts and the other one in his stomach. You took the blindfold off and the cloth out of your mouth. You jumped out of the driving van. It hurt but you didn't care. You ran away from the van. You were so focused on which way you would go that you didn't notice that the van stopped and was driving towards you.

??? POV

I walk towards (Y/N)'s house with Suga and J-Hope.

'Jimin what are you gonna do?' J-Hope askes me.

'Did you forget the plan already?' I answer. He shakes his head. We open the door and we see (Y/N)'s, mother. She's looking shocked at us. J-Hope and Suga walk towards her. They blindfold her and tie her to one of the chairs. They let her pass out and walk towards me again.

'How long do we have to stay here, boss?' Suga asks. I was just about to answer when my phone rang.

'Did she escape?' I ask hopefully.

'Yes, she did hyung. She going to her house right now.' Jungkook informs me.

'That's amazing. Are you following here?' I ask.

'Yes, we are almost there. Are you ready hyung?' Jungkook asks.

'Yes, we are ready. We just have to wait for (Y/N) to arrive.' I inform him.

'Okay. Bye, hyung.' Says Jungkook and he hangs up.

'She's coming.' I say to Suga and J-Hope. They nod and we take a seat on the sofa. We hear that the back door opens and V and Jin come in.

'She's a block away.' Jin informs me, J-Hope and Suga. I nod and they take a seat in the chairs next to us. We just have to wait for the princess to arrive.

We hear someone running. The sound gets harder and harder. The front door opens and we hear footsteps. They are getting louder. The door opens and (Y/N) comes in. She turns around to get away but we are faster. 

Vampire Mafia Boss (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now