5. The Fake Uchiha Madara

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(Tobi..or Uchiha Madara)

Age: 16

(Your POV)
Tsunade had recovered after a while but she still wasn't able to walk so I had watched over her. The masked Akatsuki man had suddenly appeared. I quickly activated my Susano'o around Tsunade and took out my Katana. "Tobi!" I said and he held up his hands. "I've come to tell you something," Tobi said and I looked at him. "What?" I asked. "My real name is Uchiha, Uchiha Madara. I will change the Shinobi World by placing a Genjutsu on everyone that can't be broken," Tobi said and I clenched my jaw. Tobi disappeared and I looked at Tsunade. I deactivated my Susano'o and Shizune barged into the room. "The Raikage has called for a Kage Summit!" Shizune said and I sighed. "Tsunade, I've been around you long enough to know how to be a stand in for the Hokage, let me be your substitute," I said and had bent down to hear her. "Go, make sure Danzo is not Hokage," Tsunade said and I nodded. "Orochimaru, Madara, let's go!" I said and they nodded and I grabbed Tsunade's Hokage hat. I went straight to Homura and Koharu. "Homura, Koharu, Daimyo-sama. My name is Uchiha Y/N, I have talked to Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage who is still recovering. She asked me to become the Hokage substitute. I am well aware of how to be the Hokage enough for me to attend the Kage Summit. My abilities at speaking peacefully are superb as are my Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu," I said and the Daimyo nodded and waved the fan at his face. "A young Uchiha? Weren't you the one who was taken by Orochimaru?" Daimyo asked and I nodded. "He may be young but I approve. He is strong enough to escape Orochimaru and even kill him I heard," Daimyo said and I bowed humbly. I had left the room and put the Hokage hat on and Madara, Orochimaru and I set out for the Land of Iron. I knew Danzo set out after me but I led him to a bridge where I knew Sasuke would be. I had jumped away and Sasuke jumped down. I had left and made my way back onto the right path. We had gotten to the Kage Summit and I walked in and sat underneath the Hokage banner. "Gaara, it's nice to see you again," I said and looked up and his eyes widened. "Y/N?!" Gaara said and I smiled. "Tsunade asked me to step in for her. Of course, Danzo wanted to kill me but I bet he already killed Danzo," I said and chuckled. "Who is going to kill Danzo?" Gaara asked. "My cousin, Uchiha Sasuke," I said and everyone went quiet. "Sasuke is still innocent and is easily lead on if you use your words right. The masked Akatsuki man has obviously revealed what happened to Itachi and Sasuke is after those who ordered Itachi to kill the Uchiha Clan. Itachi was a kind-hearted man ready to do anything for his Village, even if it meant killing his Clan and going Rogue," I said and Gaara nodded. "Do not speak of this if you encounter Sasuke," I said and the Kage nodded. "Sasuke has to be dealt with!" Ay yelled and punched the desk. "Raikage!" I said sternly and he looked at me and I activated my Sharingan. "Sasuke will have a change of heart soon, we will let him choose his path," I said and he looked at me and a drop of sweat fell down his face. I had closed my Rinnegan eye and saw Danzo and Sasuke fighting. I had opened my eye and saw Zetsu. I had stood up and taken out my Katana and pointed it at the floor where Zetsu is. "Hello!" Zetsu said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

I had activated my Susano'o and Shisui's Sharingan could be seen as the eyes of the Susano'o. "Zetsu, do you who's eyes I was entrusted with?" I asked and he looked at my Susano'o. "Nope," Zetsu said and I smirked. "Kotoamatsukami!" I said and he gasped. "T-That's...Uchiha Shisui's eyes!" Zetsu said and I nodded. "I stole the left eye back from Danzo and before Itachi died he gave me Shisui's right eye," I said and my eyes switched with Shisui's. "I have the amazing ability to tweak things, Jutsus even. With my Susano'o I'm able to switch my eyes with Shisui's," I said and he looked at me. "Where'd your other half go Zetsu?" I asked and he shook his head. "Don't make me use Tsukuyomi," I said, grabbing his neck and he gasped. "Orochimaru, Madara, go downstairs and contain Sasuke. Orochimaru, I have my Shadow following you, if you try to harm Sasuke enough to steal his body I will personally torture you," I said and he nodded. "What?! Madara?! Orochimaru?!" Ay yelled and I looked at him. "They are my Human Puppets. I had found the ancestor of the Uchiha Clan and took his body and tweaked his personality and hair," I said and they nodded. "Kankuro, Temari, watch Zetsu. I will deal with my cousin," I said and switched my eyes back to my real eyes. "Summoning Jutsu!" I said and 6 Pains appeared. "Scatter and make sure Jugo does not go on a rampage that hurts the Samurai!" I said and they nodded and scattered. "What was that?" Onoki asked and I smirked and sat down. "My paths of Pain. I had attained the Rinnegan not long ago and made 6 of them using corpses of Konoha shinobi who were already used for my Edo Tensei Jutsu to revive the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Ameyuri Ringo takes a liking to me, Zabuza remembered me and they helped my Villagers get to safety," I said and the Mizukage's body guard with the eyepatch growled. "Ao is it?" I asked, looking at him and he nodded. "I wouldn't get worked up over me using your dead Village's Swordsmen. I know what you possess under that eyepatch. It belongs to the Hyuga Clan, in other words, it's something that belongs to my Village but you are using it to help you," I said and he sighed. All the Kage banners had been cut except mine. "Sasuke," I said and he jumped down in front of me. "I killed Danzo," Sasuke said and I nodded. "I know. Now go back to your hideout and contemplate what the fake Madara has told you, I am willing to let you back into the Village as long as you end your revenge," I said and he activated his Mangekyou Sharingan. "Oh, I see. Did Itachi tell you the truth?" I asked and he nodded. "I knew the truth a while ago but I worked on the anger and hatred inside of me as you should do Sasuke. I know Itachi wouldn't want you to destroy Konoha," I said and he clenched his jaw then made his way out. The Mizukage had used her Lava element to block the doorway. I activated my Susano'o and broke through the hardening obsidian. "Contemplate what I, your cousin, told you and connect it to that fake Madara's words. He's using you Sasuke, I know it too," I said and he nodded and left. "Why you!" Ay yelled and tried punching me but I used the Body Flicker Jutsu. "You're the second person to dodge my fastest Jutsu," Ay said and I chuckled. "I may be an Uchiha but I am also a Senju," I said and my Paths of Pain and Orochimaru along with Madara came back. "Reverse Summoning Jutsu!" I said and the 6 Paths disappeared. "Mifune-Sensei, do you agree to be part of the Allied Shinobi Forces?" I asked and he nodded. "We samurai like to remain neutral only unless peace is threatened will we side with anyone," Mifune said and I nodded. "Allow me to say something. I have an idea that Sasuke and two members from my Team are going to stay out of the fight. However, Kabuto, Orochimaru's right hand man will likely use Edo Tensei. The only way to get rid of Edo Tensei people is to change their minds and hearts or seal them," I said and they nodded. "Before Gaara lost his Bijuu, Shukaku, I had him bump fists with me. I have Shukaku's chakra with me to seal people as well," I said and they nodded. "I agree to the Allied Shinobi," I said and Onoki looked at me. "How young are you?" Onoki asked. "16," I said and they looked at me. "Gaara is 15 don't be so surprised," I said and Gaara sighed. "I agree with the Five Allied Shinobi forces," Gaara said and I nodded. Ay and Onoki agreed and we were allowed to leave. I started making my way back when I heard someone yell. "WHEEE!" I heard a voice yell in the distance and I decided to go check it out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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