Chapter 16

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Ella's POV

I chose Colby last night. I haven't left the house yet because of morning sickness. I don't know how i'm gonna tell Toddy. I think i'm just gonna stay inside forever. Sam walked in the check on me. "Hey Ell how you feeling?" "I'm doing okay." "I'm gonna get you a doctors appointment so we can see how far along you are." "Okay. While you do that i'm gonna go back to sleep." I did what I said and as soon as Sam left the room I went to sleep. 

I woke up because I had to puke. When I finished I went downstairs to see if Sam got my doctors appointment yet. "Sam!!" "I'm in here Ell." I walked into the living room and saw Sam and everyone else. "Have you got my appointment yet?" Elton looked up and said "For what?" I just realized only Sam, Colby, Devyn and I knew about my pregnancy. I answered quickly "To see why I've been puking so much." "Oh okay." Elton said as he went back to looking at his phone. "Uh yea. It's at 3 today." "Okay well I'm going to go get dressed so I don't look like a bum when I go." I said as I was walking back upstairs. I didn't realize until I was up the stairs that Colby followed me.

"Why didn't you tell them?" Colby said "Uh I don't know." "Are you embarrassed of me." Colby said getting louder. "No I uh-" I was cut off. "You are! You don't want them to know. They don't even know that we got back together." Colby was loud and angry. "You guys are back together?" Aaron said at the bottom of the stairs. "Yea. Wait Aaron go back in there." I said as I was running down the stairs. Colby was confused but followed to see why I sounded so crazy. As soon as I got in there I said "Everyone I'm pregnant, it's Colby's, and that's why I've been sick. Also we are back together." Everyone looked so surprised. "Happy now." I said as I looked at Colby. I felt sick so I ran upstairs. Someone followed me up again, but I ignored them and threw up.

After I looked up and It was Elton. "I knew you were pregnant." "How." I said "You have been having morning sickness for weeks how could I not know." "Oh that's true, but I didn't know it could get this bad." "It's different for everyone, but i'm gonna leave now so you can go to the doctor." "Okay." After Elton left I got dressed. I lifted up my shirt to see what my stomach looked like. It was growing a lot. I almost changed shirts because I looked fat. How am I supposed to get through this if I look fat. I was 90 pounds and I have an eating disorder. I broke down in tears. 

Someone was at the bathroom door. "Ell you okay." I heard I thought it was Elton, but Corey opened the door. "Uh yea. Just hormones." "Lies." He said. "What?" "I know it's not just hormones." "How?" "Because you just told me." "Crap." "So why are you crying?" I got up and lifted my shirt so he could see my stomach. "I'm getting fat." "No you're not. The baby is growing. Your stomach is round, but think of you gaining weight as keeping that angle in your stomach alive. If you stop gaining weight then that angle will die." I stopped crying and knew that I could do this. "Thanks Corey." "No problem."

It was time to go to the doctor. I walked downstairs and Sam was ready. "Hey Sam wheres Colby?" "I'm right here." I heard Colby yell from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and said "Do you want to come with us?" "Yea! I mean sure." Sam, Colby, and I drove to the doctor. We went inside and people gave us weird looks because we looked so young. I looked for the bathroom and I ran into it because I had to puke. When I came out Sam asked if I was okay and I said yea. 

*Time Fast Forward*

I found out I was 20 weeks and I was having a girl. I didn't expect to be far enough along to know the gender. Colby was very excited but I was scared. I wanted to talk to Colby because even though I was scared I already knew what I wanted to name the baby. I looked around the entire house trying to find Colby he wasn't here. I guess I would just have to wait, but I knew who I also wanted to tell. 

I walked up stairs. "Hey Corey!" I said before I walked into his room. "Hey Ella." "I think I know what i'm going to name her." "Wait you found out the gender?" "Yea i'm surprisingly 20 weeks along, but remember earlier how you said that I was gaining weight to keep this angel alive." "Yea." "Well I'm gonna talk to Colby and if he agree's I want to name her Angel." "Aw you got that from me." Corey said smiling. "Yea well I think I heard Colby come in so I'm gonna talk to him about it." 

I went downstairs and saw Colby on the couch. I jumped onto the couch next to Colby. "Hey babe." "Hey." "I have an idea on what we should name her." "Okay what is it?" "Angel because Corey told me a metaphor calling the baby angel this morning and I really liked it." "Yea I like it. Wait why did Corey talk about it." "Well's a long story." "Tell me." I told him the long story and he said "Okay. Wait since you are getting bigger not in a bad way we should take maternity pictures." "Okay." 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No cliffhanger. Thanks for reading. Also thanks for 126 readers.

Word Count: 996 words

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