06| M a s o n

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I was stumbling,
looking in the dark
With an empty heart
But you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough?
Baby we could be enough

-Home, One Direction

-Home, One Direction

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06| Mason

Mason was sure about it now. Every time she slapped on Mason's hand, he felt it. A wave of electricity would reach his spine and he would feel a tug at his heart. But he didn't dare to look up when she was looking at him. He knew he would not be able to look away.

But he stole the glances, the way she smiled when she caught Mason stealing one of those strawberries. The strawberries were irresistible and so was her smile. She had one of those smiles that made you do something so you could see it more. But he still couldn't figure out what happened in the morning, the way she cried, it felt like she had lost someone.

He couldn't ignore the feeling that he got from seeing her like that. He panicked and he felt like his world was crumbling down. He felt lost and confused. The way she sobbed, Mason could have done anything to stop that. His hands were shaking and his heart was beating too fast. Mason hated that feeling.

The lunch time being over soon, Evelyn stood up. She took her empty lunch box ( with a little contribution from Mason to make it empty) and shoved it down her bag. She took the book and looked at Mason. Mason was quite impressed with his timing. He managed to look down on the page he was reading (or trying to read for the last half an hour) just in time so she didn't catch him staring.

"So how long would it take you to read that Theodore Roosevelt had asthma and was a cowboy?" Her words hung in the air. Mason flicked to the next page quickly.

As if on cue, Evelyn laughed a little and shook her head. Rolling her eyes one last time, she walked away.

This girl is gonna be the death of me, Mason breathed out.

• • •

Mason waited and waited. But there was no sign of Evelyn. The school had ended minutes ago and Mason hadn't seen her yet. Her last period was art, a class he didn't share with her. They parted ways after the library incident. He hadn't seen her ever since.

Mason could feel the lump in his throat and the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to see her right then. He clenched and unclenched his fist and paced hoping she was alright.

The black bugatti Veyron stood behind him with all its glory. Mason wasn't able to sell the car. The buyer dropped by right after he reached home with it yesterday and one look at the car, his face stiffened. He even dared to call Mason a cheat and irresponsible young teenage boy for making him fly to California to get the car that had a huge dent which was not there in the picture he saw.

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