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I sigh out in relief as I sit down at my seat on the plane, running a hand through my hair and leaning back- allowing myself to relax.

Somehow after takeoff I manage to fall asleep- that is until I'm woken up by turbulence and the lights on the plane flashing above me.

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen, just a bit of turbulence, keep your seatbelts on!" I roll my eyes as the overly perky lady speaks over the intercom, not bothering to buckle my seatbelt.

A few minutes later the lights flash again and a huge crack of thunder is heard, the plane shaking yet again.

"I am not dying on this fucking plane." I mumble and sit up a little in my seat, trying to look around and see what's happening- just to be met with worried looks on people's faces.

"There's a big storm ahead, so I'm afraid we'll have to make a stop in sunny Florida!" My heart drops as the lady speaks- deflating in my seat and frowning.

Florida? That's all the way across the country from California- I'm fucked.
I roll my eyes at the overly warm weather as I step off the plane, even with a huge storm about to happen overhead it's still humid as all hell.

Quickly I take my phone out and call Josh, tapping my fingers anxiously as I wait for him to answer.

"Simon! Are you there already-" "No Josh, I'm not there already, my stupid fucking plane had to land in Florida because of a storm." I snap-cutting him off.

"Well I'm sure they'll have another one there in a few days, why don't you just wait?" He asks and I sigh in annoyance, rubbing my temples.

"Because Josh, I have to be in Los Angeles by tomorrow." I say in an annoyed tone, running a hand through my hair.

"I can move the meeting a few days, how many do you think you need?" He asks and I shrug before realising he can't see me.

"I don't fucking know Josh, if I knew, I would tell you, okay?" I hiss and pull the phone away from my ear, hanging up the call.

I put it in my pocket and rub my face with my hands- taking deep breaths to try and calm myself. You can figure this out Simon.

Before anyone can question me I grab my bag and backpack, pausing for a second before deciding to just leave my bag and take my backpack- I didn't need anymore extra weight.

I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket as I'm walking down the street- the sky already starting to get dark as the sun goes down.

I take it out to see it's a random number- I hesitate before answering it, putting it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, muffled voices can be heard in the background- sketching me out.

"Hello, Simon." I shiver at the way the person says my name, hanging my head and talking quietly as I pass people in the street.

"Who the fuck is this?" I say through gritted teeth, shoving my other hand in my pocket and looking around out of paranoia.

"Ah, nice to know my son has retained my 'straight to the point' attitude." I breath out a sigh of relief when I hear a familiar voice besides the one who said my name, relaxing a small bit.

"Josh has informed me of your issue, I can help." I stop in my tracks and go into an alleyway to talk, not wanting someone to overhear my conversation.

"I don't need your help." I murmur and bite at my nails as I hear muffled talking in the background of the call.

"Well you're not getting my help." He says, a slight hint of amusement clear in his voice through the speakers of my phone.

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