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Your POV

"Y/N... Y/N!" I jolted awake and almost choked on my own spit from sleeping with my head hung backward and my mouth open. "We're home." I grumpily rolled out of the car and tried to get the balance on my feet. Today's the third day of winter break and we decided to go and visit grandma and grandpa. It was a 2-hour-drive and I've fallen asleep at some point during the ride apparently.

I stumbled my way through the front door and went straight to the couch, where I plopped down on. Just when I almost drifted back to sleep, my phone vibrated like crazy. The fuck? Oh right, I didn't have WiFi the whole day, so I'm just receiving everything now. I'm gonna leave it be, it's not like anyone would text me something important that I have to respond to anyway.

You know what... maybe it is something important because people usually don't text me. 

Pulling out my phone, I saw three text messages from Camila.


[8.39 PM] Mila: it's over

[8.39 PM] Mila: noah broke up with me

[8.39 PM] Mila: Y/N...

I squinted my eyes at the text. Wow... I'm really not awake yet. It's like I'm having a double vision right now. It's... over...? What's over? I shook my head slightly and feel a bit more focus now. Noah... ooooh... OOH...

[8.50 PM] Me: What?

[8.50 PM] Me: How come?

[8.50 PM] Me: What happened?

[8.50 PM] Me: Are you okay?

[8.51 PM] Me: Thats a dumb question. Ofc you aint okay

[8.51 PM] Me: But what happened

[8.52 PM] Mila: too much

Seeing that she's on her phone now, I quickly dialed her number. The phone rang once before someone picked up.

At first, it was just all silence at the other side of the line, but after a few more moments soft sobs were heard. Hearing that made my blood boil. How dares that little fuckhead to make this girl cry, he--... Okay, calm down. Me being angry at him won't make this situation better.

Her quiet sobs have now turned quite uncontrollable. I could practically hear her sharp breaths through the phone.

The anger in me has kind of subsided and is slowly becoming a heart aching feeling. "Camila..." my voice cracked out. She hummed in response as she sniffs. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"I'd rather do it face-to-face..."

"I can come over if you want?"

"Yes, please. Can you.. maybe come over tomorrow morning?"

"One sec." I covered the phone's mic and yelled out at my mom, "Ma! Can I go to Camila's tomorrow?"

She fake-gasped and put her hand on her chest, "So you're just gonna leave me for her?"

"Wait two more seconds," I said into the phone as I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down that my best friend's broken up with her boyfriend. Showing it to her, she nodded her head as permission. "Okay, yeah. I can come tomorrow," I told Camila.

"You're the best, Y/N." Her voice was ten times raspier due to the crying. Even though this makes her voice highly more attractive compared to usual, I don't like it.

"Thanks?" Hearing that she's calmed down a bit, I tried to get back to the main topic, "So... I'm guessing he's the one who's ended it?"

"Mhmm," she hummed in positive.

"Did he at least have a good reason?"

There was a long silence followed by nothing and it also didn't look like she's gonna answer it. "I'm taking that as a no," I concluded.

Still no sound coming from her, so I am guessing that it was a bullshit reason. "Is it gonna make me want to beat the shit out of him?"

"Somewhat... yeah," she mumbled.

"Alright then."

I heard her sniffing got louder on the other side as she began to hiccup, "I just... I just don't get it... I thought..." she couldn't even finish her sentence before she broke down again.

"Sshhh... it's okay." I honestly still don't know how to calm someone down when they're crying, so that was the best I could do.

Shortly after, we cut off the phone call since she insisted so. Once I've put my phone down, mom walked up to me with her arms crossed. "What's up?" I asked.

She sighed as she shook her head softly, "Why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"She only wants you when she's broken up with someone and you're always there for her, instantly. It's like she's just using you." The frown on her face deepened, "She'll dump you again the moment she's found a new boyfriend."

"That's not... true." She didn't speak up and gave me a knowing look instead. Deep down I know that she's somewhat right, but I don't know, I think I'm used to it. That's how our friendship has been for the last couple of years, we've grown a bit apart since she's moved away, and apart from school, we barely hang out anymore. Well, except for when she's sad, angry, confused or broken, like now. 

Thinking back on it, she's hardly talked to me at all during these four months that they've been dating. But yeah... I guess I'm used to it by now.

"I don't mind."

"If you're sure, then you do you."

Mom's dislike towards Camila has grown in the last couple of years. Mainly because, as she had said, she thinks that Camila only uses me when she needs me and then after that, she'd just throw me away, like a used cigaret. That's not fully true, but I just can't change her opinion on that. And she also doesn't like Camila for her love life, I don't know how that's my mom's business, but, probably because she thinks that the girl will have a bad influence on me or something.

I'm kinda afraid as to what I should expect tomorrow... She seemed really serious about it this time and with the way she was full on sobbing just now, I'm honestly worried. 



It originally was one long chapter. The only two reasons why I've split it into two chapters is because 4000 words seem really long compared to normal (1000-2000 words), so now it's 1000 and 3000 something. And, idk why, but usually shit happens at chapter 5 and I kinda wanted to keep that.  

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