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Your POV

It was just a normal Saturday night and for the first time in a while, I was having the house for myself for the whole weekend. Usually in times like these, people would throw some crazy ass party and get themselves in trouble, but I'm me... and my introverted ass decided to just stay in and watch some Netflix.

To be honest, I wasn't even paying attention to what's happening on the screen. I just put it on to make the room feel less quiet.

There were just a couple of weeks left in high school. The finals went pretty well, prom went as expected, I got accepted at the university I wanted to go to. Everything's over now... I feel like I should feel happy and relieved, but I'm not. It just doesn't feel right to not have Camila by my side. I mean, it's all coming to an end now... are we really gonna part ways without saying a goodbye.

Speaking of Camila, I've learned a few things about her from Normani. To which college she's going to was not one of them. Well, I at least know that she's able to graduate, that's something. I haven't seen her around much lately either, she barely shows up at school anymore and if she does, she'd look like a complete mess. I've never seen her like this before.

Sighing to myself, I closed my eyes and tried to forget about her for a while.

The sounds from my laptop drowned out most of the noises from outside, but it almost sounded like there was someone yelling my name.


Okay, yeah I definitely didn't imagine that. I opened the curtains from the room and was met with a Camila who's frantically knocking on the window while trying to prevent herself from falling with her other hand.

I decided not to question it and just let her in first.

Once she's safely inside, I found out that it's been raining outside, because she's drenched from head to toe. It's not raining anymore though, so why is she so soaked?

Without another word, I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clean clothes for her.

I shouldn't be the first one to speak up. She's been the one who had ignored me for months. And I mean, she's the one coming to me now, so... she must have something to say.

I pushed the shirt and shorts into her chest and waited for her to do at least something, but she just stayed put... She's literally only staring at me and holding the clothes I've given her to change into.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked.

"I..." she bit her lip and the following words that spilled out of her mouth were just a mix of her stuttering 'I-uhm...' and 'It's just that...'. No words other than that seemed to come out.

Shaking her head, she dropped the clothes she was holding and flung her arms around my neck for a hug.

"Camila... what--... or just why?" I sighed out. I do have my own assumptions, but I won't mind her confirming any of it.

When she pulled away, I expected her to answer me, but instead, I found her lips on mine.

Her hand on my neck tangled itself in my hair as the other went to pull me even closer to her. Mine, on the contrary, was placed on her waist and started to add a little bit of pressure to it, silently telling her to pull away.

She got the message because not even a second later, she disconnected herself from me.

"Because I'm selfish... that's why," she looked down at her feet and continued, "I know I shouldn't be, because... I already have you. Well, in a way, I do... But I just can't help it. I want you so bad and it's not even in the sexual way... I just... ugh, I don't even know how to explain it."

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