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(We'd be switching point of views towards the end of the chapter)

Camila's POV

I nudged Normani in her side. "There she is... Go talk to her," I nodded slightly towards Y/N's direction. She was sitting there with Dinah and Ally. From the looks of it, it seems like Ally's talking about something, but she wasn't paying any attention to either of them. She was just... staring down at her salad while mindlessly pushing it around with her fork.

Seeing her like that does make me feel bad. I mean, her being upset doesn't necessarily have something to do with me... but as far as I know, nothing else is really happening in her life right now. I'm not sure though. That's why I'm sending Normani to go talk with her.

"Why do I have to?" she groaned, "I don't even know her that well."

"You're my only friend who she thinks is nice and friendly."

"That's because I am nice and friendly," she sassed me, "What about Ally or Dinah? She's friends with them."

"They're ignoring me because I'm ignoring Y/N... and they--... You just go." I was going to say that I'm curious to know if she's gonna ask about me, and if I ask Dinah or Ally to check up on her, she wouldn't mention me because they know as much about my current life as her. I don't know how any of them are doing and they don't know about me. But Normani doesn't have to know everything.

"You owe me, girl," she pointed at me to emphasize her point and start walking over to their table.

"Hey, and don't mention that I told you to do this!" I yelled after her.

As expected, Normani sat down next to Y/N. Everyone at the table looked at her, surprise written all over their faces.

Y/N said something to her and then everyone suddenly looked over to my direction. I quickly turned my head away, pretending to be looking at somewhere else instead of at them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Normani gaining back Y/N's attention, so I carefully went back to spying on them.

Okay... they were probably suspecting the reason why Normani appeared at their table. I told Normani to get on their good side and say that I'm being unreasonably stubborn right now and then just ask how she's doing.

I honestly don't know what they're talking about. Right now, I'm somewhere between 'I really wanna know if Y/N has asked about me' and 'I wanna run the fuck out of here and wish that I've never asked Mani to do this'... There's no way I can back up now, so...


You: what are u guys talking about now?

You: how has she been doing?

You: has she asked anything that's related to me?

Mani: You're interrupting

I glanced up from my phone and saw her giving me pointed look across the cafeteria. Wait, where is Din--

A hand slammed down on the table, making me jump up in shock. "Dinah?! What are you doing here?"

"I could've asked you the same thing."

"I was just... texting a friend."

"Oh really? Does that friend also happened to be Normani Kordei?" She snatched my phone out of my hands while I was distracted and quickly scanned her eyes over the texts. After she's read everything, she handed the phone back to me.

I gave her a hard glare.

She sighed and plopped down on the bench, "Is it you and your feelings again?"

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