The Death.

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It was a very still and quiet night. Everybody within the halls of the luxurious Malfoy manor were asleep, all except for Narcissa Malfoy.

You see, at the moment Narcissa was curled up on a very soft chair inside her favourite parlour while cradling one of her favourite books, she was reading a book by a famous muggle author that goes by the name of Charles dickens.

If Lucius had found out that his darling wife enjoyed muggle literature, he would've surely had a fit. He was not a very kind man whenever he lost his temper.

You see, whenever Lucius got angry he would always take it out on his only son, Draco Malfoy.

At the moment, young Draco was asleep in room at Hogwarts. He was just about to complete his third year. This was a good thing, if Draco wasn't at home there was no possible way for Lucius to harm him.

Narcissa knew exactly what her beloved husband did to her darling son, but unlike most mothers... She's never tried to put a stop to it.

She loved her son with all her heart, but she seemed to love Lucius more.

If people knew of the hideous crimes that took place within the walls of the luxurious Malfoy Manor, everything would be different.

For example, Draco wouldn't have grown up believing that he was a huge disappointment that was only good for sex and being a human punching bag, or grown up being forced to hide behind his 'Malfoy mask'. Ever since Draco could remember, he's been forced to do certain things and act a certain way. If he even stepped a toe out of line, he would be punished. All of this abuse molded Draco into the broken teen that he is today, and I know for a fact that he prays to God that someone will find out and put a stop to Lucius' abusive ways.

Sadly, that would never happen. Lucius was not a stupid man, he was very intelligent and very powerful.

Lucius Malfoy was one of those people who could make the bravest man quiver in his boots with a single glare.

If someone were to confront him on what goes on within the walls of his glorious home, he would easily be able to send them to the wizarding prison known as Azkaban, or worse...
It is not a very smart thing to put a man with this much power in a high position, but it seemed as if no one in the ministry was smart enough to realize that. It really is a surprise to everybody that they were able to keep their jobs.
Hundreds of murders took place every single day, in both the wizarding and muggle worlds, yet nobody has found someone to blame for these disgusting crimes.

As I said before, Narcissa was sitting in her favourite parlour, the crackling fire casting a reddish hue over the dark blue walls.

Her icy eyes quickly traveled over the page before turning it. To anyone else who saw this probably would've thought that she wasn't enjoying her book, or that she found it boring. In reality, she was falling madly in love with the tales that this muggle man wrote of. Her heart rate started to pick up as she read the most exhilarating page within the entire book.

While she was reading, she never noticed the shadow on the other side of the humongous window, but she did notice when the fire suddenly went out. Of course, you could've blamed it on the wind, but there was next to none outside.

Narcisssa immediately rose from her chair, throwing her book across the room as she pulls out her wand.

She immediately mutters the word 'lumos' under her breath.

Almost immediately after this, the once darkened room filled with the pale light that came out of the top of her wand.

Narrcissa cautiously glanced around the room, never leaving her back turned for more than three seconds at a time.

Then she heard a very loud noise from the left doorway. She immediately turned to face whatever caused the sudden sound, to her relief it was just a house elf.

What she didn't notice, was the fact that the house elf was dead.

What she didn't notice was the man standing behind her.

What she didn't notice was the blinding green light heading towards her at an alarming rate, it struck the middle of her back. Poor woman didn't even have time to react, she immediately fell limply to the hardwood floor.

Her blue eyes that once held a beautiful light of life, now faded and glossed over.

Today was the day that Narcisssa Malfoy died.

Five hours later, Lucius apparated to the edge of the grounds of Malfoy Manor.

As soon as he got there, he noticed that something was... Off, to say the least.

He quickly walked towards the grand doors of his grand mansion, he immediately threw them open and loudly stepped inside.

Yes, something was off. Usually, his wife would be running or quickly walking over to him and throwing herself into his arms to say that she missed him.

Usually, he would immediately feel the warmth of the fire that either came from Narcissa's favourite parlour or from their bedroom, none of those things happened though.

It was impossible to happen because unknown to him, Narcisssa had died quite a while ago.

As Lucius made his way through the humongous halls, his mind started to wonder, building horrible images of his wife in bed with another or a note reading that she didn't love him anymore.
Her favourite parlour was growing closer, and there was a smell of smoke and... Blood.
Lucius immediately raised his wand in front of him and sprinted into the room.
Tears immediately filled his eyes once he entered, because there on the ground was his beautiful Narcissa.
Her once creamy skin now has a blue tint to it, her once immaculate blonde hair was now matted, her once passionate eyes were glassy and empty.
He let out a choked sob as his wand fell to the floor.
He shakily made his way over to the woman that he had sworn to protect, he dropped beside her ungracefully.

Just like his wife, he was very vulnerable at the moment, but unlike his wife... He noticed the man behind him.

He immediately turned around only to meet the eyes of a man that he once trusted, as you can probably tell... That trust is gone.

It was obvious that he was the one that murdered the only person that he has ever truly loved. Any normal father would truly love their offspring, but as I have said before... Lucius was not a normal father.

Lucius sat beside his dead wife and glared at the man, the man just smirked at him before slowly raising his wand to Lucius' neck.

In this moment, he smiled a huge smile and his eyes filled up with joy as he whispered the two most dangerous words known to wizard kind.

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