Part 19

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Y/n L/n

I walked off the stage for the last time, the event was finally over, as I approached Finn I noticed he was talking with his parents, I didn't want to interrupt him so I turned around and was about to go with Melissa when Finn's voice stopped me.

"Y/n! Wait! Don't go!" I heard him say and I turned around, he was smiling, I smiled back.

"Hi" I said while looking down, he chuckled and hugged me, I hugged back and all the nervousness left my body.

"You were amazing" he said while looking at me, I looked back at him and smiled, he smiled back.

"Thank you" I replied, we pulled away and I looked at his parents with a smile "Hi" I said again and they chuckled.

"Hello, darling" Finn's mom said smiling so I smiled back.

"Hi" I said for the third time, yes, when I'm nervous I'm more stupid that usual.

"You're actually the first girlfriend Finn has ever introduced to us" his father said and I blushed, I looked at Finn and noticed he was blushing too.

"Dad, come on, let's go home to eat... I'm hungry" he said and I giggled.

"When are you not hungry?" I asked sarcastically and Finn's parents chuckled, I felt proud of myself, ya know? Making your boyfriend's parents laugh/chuckle is an accomplishment, that I'm happy I've achieved.

"Well, let's go" Finn's mom said and we all left. After a while of car-searching we finally found the one, Finn and I sat together in the back while Finn's parents sat on the front.

A few minutes went by and the car stopped, I was so caught up in Finn and I's conversation that I didn't even noticed it, until his mom said something.

"We're here" I turned look at her and smiled, Finn opened the door, got out and then I got out, after that he closed the door and we began walking to the house's door.

We started talking again about the school event, waiting for her mom to unlock the door - apparently some fans used to sneak up to his room and leave notes -, she did it and we all went inside.

His house was nice, big... modern, it was really pretty.

"Nice house" I said while looking around "Really nice" I added and Finn started laughing, I looked at him, he was recording it.

"I'm going to kill you, Finn Wolfhard" I told him and laughed as well, what can I say? His laugh is so freaking contagious.

"You can't kill me" he said when we stopped laughing, we were sitting on the couch.

"Oh, really?" I asked while arching my left eyebrow.

"Yes, really" he answered, I giggled.

"And, why's that?" I question him as I get closer.

"You love me way too much" he answered and closed the distance between us, connecting his soft lips into mine, I kissed back but quickly pulled away, I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Suddenly his father entered through the door, Finn and I quickly looked at him while separating a little.

"The food is ready, let's go eat" he said, Finn did his happy dance.

"Oh my lord, you're so adorable" I said while laughing.

"Oh, shut up" he replied as we walked to the dining room.

A/n: sorry for not being active but school got me going crazy. There's gonna be a third part on this and that's it for the parents thingy. Anyway, love you guys.
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