Part 71

825 29 42

Y/n L/n

I woke up and didn't know where I was for a split second, then I remembered everything, and by everything I mainly mean the breakup.

"Good morning, sunshine" Sebastián said, I looked at him and he was in his vanity getting ready.

"Good morning" I replied, I stood up and started getting ready again, Sebastian had packed an outfit for me but i hadn't see it, so I unpacked my bag and found this:

"Good morning" I replied, I stood up and started getting ready again, Sebastian had packed an outfit for me but i hadn't see it, so I unpacked my bag and found this:

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"Holy fuck, do you think it's a bit much?" I asked Sebas.

"Hell to the no, you look hot as fuck" he answered and I giggled.

"Please, i love you"

"i love you too, look, this is what I'm wearing" he said and I returned my attention to him, he was wearing this:

"i love you too, look, this is what I'm wearing" he said and I returned my attention to him, he was wearing this:

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"You look amazing. And that shirt is everything" I replied.

"Thanks, babes. Now, get dressed and let's get to school" he replied.

I went to the bathroom to get changed, out on some natural makeup, brushed my hair and my teeth and then went downstairs with Sebas.

His mother offered us some breakfast, but after checking the time, we decided we were late enough.

When we got to school, everyone stared at us, which was really weird for me.

"You look really hot" some random girl told me and I thanked her.

"I told you" Sebas whispered to me.

I went to my locker to get out my books and Finn went there too, honestly, whatever, I mean he can't really change lockers and stuff, so, whatever.

"Hi Y/n" Finn said with a smile.

"Hi Finn" I replied.

"Where were you last night?"

"I had a sleepover with Sebastian"

"That's not safe" he replied "I mean, you just met him"

"Yeah, but he's not a serial killer, so..."

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