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It's like watching a rose bloom in a time lapse, but without time lapsing. Watching someone fuse from something normal into what you would only see in televisions.

Like knowing that what you're seeing is hundred percent real, unedited, uncharted, but still crazily deciding against believing it. Because, not believing it is what you have been doing since you could remember.

I believed everything I knew I had seen that night. And even though my aunt kept telling me that it was just some figment of imagination my clever mind had devised to portray the kind of man who had saved me, I didn't buy it.

I had seen it. I had seen him — and his golden eyes.

What was even realer?

I had felt him.

Jolting up abruptly, from a medicine induced slumber last night, tense and sweating like a pig, the only thing that I had managed to deliver out of my dry throat had been a scream.

I admit, the first few seconds of consciousness felt like I had woken up in hell. Every part of my body was in pain, I didn't know what was going on. I just wanted to escape. Truth be told, I was not ready to meet Lucifer yet.

I cringed as I chased the thoughts of that horror away. The hospital robes around me clutched tighter against my skin because of the sweat.

My eyes skimmed around the empty room again and I sighed. Almost happily, at finally having a chance at being alone.

I could think now.

Tiny jolts of electric jolted in my neck, spreading warmly down my chest, my breath hitched when I realised my fingers were unconsciously caressing the bandage on my neck.

Strangely, even though the accident had occurred three days ago, and I had woken up on the night of the second, the pain I knew I should be experiencing from my neck never came.

Aunt Prue seemed to be trying to coax out the information from me from the moment I had regained conscious.

I however refused to tell anyone.


My whisper seemed like a loud declaration in the cold yet strangely comfortingly silent room. A sigh left my lips as I eased back into the hospital bed.

The man in grey suit with the golden eyes; the man whose canines dripping with my blood had been the last thing I had seen, the man who had apparently brought me into emergency, bloodied in his arms.

The man about whom I knew the nurses would spin romantic tales about for ages.

It was sad though, and fate was being a bit of a ninny with this, that I couldn't remember exactly how the man looked like. Just Inhuman blazing golden eyes, a rock strong chest and black hair that fell over his cheekbones.

Yes. My mind agreed. Even his human form emitted what his name suggested.


My heart jolted in my chest and I made an attempt at calming it down. It was clear my saviour was not human. After everything, I would be foolish to think he were.

But I would be even more foolish to tell anyone that the man who had saved me was a... a vampire.

Yes. That's what he is. A vampire.

From the moment I had regained consciousness — the debate was something that seemed constant in my thoughts. In the end I couldn't deny it— certainly no other beast would be so fascinated with piercing girls' necks and drinking their blood.

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