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Panic struck deep as soon as I found myself pushing past the veil of unconsciousness.

It felt like a second — after blinking away the haze— when I found myself jumping out of bed and bolting towards my bedroom door.

I knew for a fact that someone had caught me before I had fainted, I knew there was a heavy chance it could be him.

The tiny butterflies in my chest fluttered as I silently whispered Beasty's actual name in my head. The stairs came into my view and I pushed harder to get downstairs.

The burning ache from my whole body seemed strangely dull while my joints continued to scream in protest as I rushed down.

My sudden fever was at its peak, but in this moment, I didn't care. I didn't know what I was running for, I didn't exactly know where I was running to actually.

Common sense could tell that whoever had caught me could be long gone now. The urgency I felt in my chest however, demanded I keep running.

"Olivia! I'm so happy you're up! No wait! Stop please! You're sick!"

I shook my head as I rushed past aunt Prue and flung open the front door.

I just needed to see. Once.

Heavy beads off rain poured down outside as a chilly breeze hit me flat against my face. But my eyes stayed on the car that was now in our driveway.

A relieved smile slipped onto my features. He was still here.

"Oh! The nice guy who came to drop you! Yes, he was just about to leave actually," Prue spoke up from behind and I felt myself turn frantic once again.

Suddenly, the car turned on and panic blazing in my chest I rushed out into the pouring rain, pushing past every sane thought.


I didn't respond.

I knew I was shivering, each drop hitting my skin felt like a needle prick. By the time I reached the car I had cursed out a million profanities.

This was crazy.

Pushing aside the wayward hair away from my face I rapped on the car's door with my knuckles.

Instantly the man sitting inside turned and I felt my eyes widen.

My gaze swept his features with an almost whimsical feeling in my chest. From his sharp angled jaws, to his sleeked back hair, his thin aristocratic nose, straight jaw — everything pulled me in. His dark piercing eyes however warned me off.

I blinked, my attention once again on the man inside the car.

His blazing dark eyes widened, and I gulped when he turned off the ignition and frustratingly reached out to open the door.

He was furious. I could just feel it.

Awkwardly I moved back as soon as he flung the door open and got out, his suit jacket in his hand.

"What are you doing outside? Are you stupid!?"

I was. I was stupid.

But in that moment, I was also too stubborn to admit it, so I took a step forward, my hands folded in front of me.

"Is this really who you are? A coward? Why do you even show up when you just have to run away again?!" I rushed out vehemently, flinging a hand in the air.

The man's dark eyes blazed in the rain and he took a step forward, his jaw tightening.

"Get inside the house," Rome bit out, exaggerating each word as he took another step closer.

Beasty | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now