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"Avelphi sashee"

The English translation to 'avelphi sashee' could not be found.

"Avelphi sashee!"

The English translation to 'avelphi sashee' could not be found.


The English translation to 'dammit' is 'dam—

I gave up, exhausted and frustrated. A long, tired breath left my lips and I slumped my head down on the books I'd been trying to research from.

The large desk stood scattered with half-open books, all open to a page missing a number of pages, torn, some carefully, the edges clean and sharp while the others ripped, almost demolished.

Somehow, I knew they had information about the very thing I was looking for. But what I didn't understand was why someone would rip the pages out, and what for?

The books were no help, I'd even tried searching for them in local bookstores, and now, neither was technology.

I groaned, frustrated, as I rubbed my forehead on the old pages of the book, Tier.

The lights around the room were dim and apart from the low table lamps and the bright moonlight soaring in from the open window, the room was in slight darkness.

One glance at the old clock and I cringed at the time.


Glancing to my left, the Chinese takeaway Romanov had gotten sat on the side of the table untouched and my empty stomach growled at the thought of food.

After the 'River' accident that had almost happened only a few hours ago — I hadn't been much into eating. But now, I was starving.

Eyeing the takeaway for a second, I finally gave in — and reaching the fork and box, I slowly began digging in. My mind however seemed still on the word Abigail had told me about,

"Avelphi sashee"

"Avelpi sashee"

"Alvelphi sishee"

"Alvelphi syshee"

A groan left my lips and I shook my head. Was I ever going to find out what the ripped pages held? And what did avelphi sashi even mean.

I sighed. Would I ever know?

Under the pelting showers of a morning rain, numerous umbrellas waltzed around as people rushed about trying to get to their work.

Red, Orange, Blue... Black.

My own bright yellow umbrella leaned closed against my booth bench as I sat, and patiently waited for Drew to get me my usual.

Sleeping last night had not been an easy task. Waking up to finding River gone, Letty beside me in bed, and Romanov on the couch in the living room, I had tried to take the day as positively as I could, but last night's scarring flashes kept popping up in my mind and I thanked God for the hundredth time that River had come out safe.

It seemed strange though, what sort of a man was Romanov to save the very man he clearly didn't like to the least.

Coming out of nearly having an accident left River quite shaken for the rest of the night. So much so that he bunked in the guest room — while Romanov continued to stay. Or maybe it was seeing because of seeing Romanov as he is.

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