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Nik hugs me at the airport. "You're pregnant, that's awesome Emery."

"Baby Montgomery." I smirk. "We are asking Gavin and Nina to be godparents."

"They deserve it," Nik replies- honestly. "Baby Montgomery deserves two parents."

"Agreed," Colby says. "We gotta go."

Rome is such a beautiful city. I have accidentally separated myself from the twins and Yugo. Wondering on my own, I fall hopelessly in love with the city of Rome, Italy.

"Non è abbastanza sicuro per una ragazza carina come te che si meraviglia da solo. (It's not safe enough for a pretty girl like you to wonder off alone)." Yugo says in Italian from behind me. "You like Rome?"

"È bellísimo (it's beautiful)." I reply in my best Italian. "I couldn't help myself."

"Gavin says you're expecting." Yugo says, his accent heavy and his English very unclear. "You still came."

"I came for my family." I reply.

Yugo smiles. "Questa è una caratteristica ammirevole. (That is an admirable trait)."

Nik and Colby finally find us, they have huge pretzels coveted in a chocolate glaze. I look around Rome once more, before Yugo brings the three of us to the Italian clubhouse. Bikers all stop and stare, because we are American bikers, one of the us female and pregnant.

"Stanza sul retro, ora. Incontro. (Back room, now. Meeting.)" Yugo says to his family. "Follow me, Nik, Colby, and the lovely Emery."

Colby and Nik make me sit between them, and Yugo sits across from us.

"These three are apart of our allies." Yugo says, his Italian accent heavy. "The Dusty and Bloody Rose."

"I'm Antonio." A man with a arm sleeve full of skull tattoos and pale green eyes says to me. "You're lovely."

"Grazie, Antonio.." I smile at the Italian biker. "It's a pleasure, I am Emery."

"Antonio, have Mendoza go ahead and ship the guns to Rochester." Yugo says, eyeing me. "Be sure they make it to the guys at the clubhouse."

"Want me riding with Mendoza on ship?" Antonio asks.

"Sí." Yugo replies. "Now, shoo. Get out of here."

"What about us?" Nik asks.

"Go enjoy Rome." Yugo replies , simply. "I'll see Emery and you guys for lunch tomorrow evening."

I am the first one out of the clubhouse, and on the back of a red scooter. I get off in the city, and thank the kind Italian gentlemanly who have me a quiet ride into the city.

"Ciao, signora." A man selling bread greets me. "Would you like bread?"

I pay for a loaf of Italian bread, and I walk through the city- munching on the bread.

"There you are!" Nik gasps, out of breath. "We caught a taxi, with loud Florence music."

"I had a quiet scooter ride." I giggle. "Just bought some yummy Italian bread."

"Let's check this festival out, brother!" Colby chants. "The Italian ladies are everywhere.

Nik immediately follows Colby after those words are said. I sit on a bench, and I watch a mime in the street. Aren't they French??

"We have few Italian mimes." Yugo says- reading my mind- as he sits next to me. "Not many, but he is one."

"Rome is so beautiful." I mutter. "I have to leave, or else I'd stay forever."

"Antonio wouldn't complain." Yugo laughs. "But you have a family, a biker to go Home to, and a baby coming. I cannot ask you to stay."

"I know, Yugo." I reply. "I'll miss Rome."

"I want to take just you to lunch before you leave." Yugo says. "Nothing naughty, just two allies having lunch."

"Sounds lovely, Yugo." I reply.
Author's Point Of View

Nik and Colby watch Yugo sit next to Emery from the food cart they stopped at. Nik smiles when Emery starts laughing at something Yugo says, after agreeing to a casual lunch between just the two of them. 

"She gets along with everybody." Nik states

Colby follows his eyes and he nods. "I agree."

Emery says goodbye to Yugo when Antonio calls him from the decks, and she walks towards Nik and Colby.

"He is nice." Emery says.

"The two you need to worry about being mean are and Ricardo Santos, boss in Brazil; and Adal Fischer, boss in Germany." 

"Which one is worse?" Emery asks, looking at each twin.

"Fischer." Nik replies, honestly. "Let's head towards the hotel, and sleep. We have lunch tomorrow with Yugo."

I have my own room, and I am so relieved. I dial the house number and a girl answers.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"This is Emery." I reply. "Rylan's girlfriend."

"This is Sadie, Rylan's sister." The girl replies. "You're on that Italian trip, shame. I wanted to meet the girl who won my bro's heart and who's having his child."

"I'll be back in a week," I reply simply.

"Good, I'll wait here." Sadie replies. "Rylan's dumbass is passed out. He was up all night last night and all day."

"Poor thing," I sigh.

Sadie giggles, catching onto my joke. "You're funny. I cannot wait to meet you, Emery."

"I have to go." I say. "I'm sleepy. I can't wait to meeting you either, Sadie."

I curl up under my Italian covers, nude. Being able to sleep naked makes me thankful the twins let me have my own room. Closing my eyes, sleep comes easily.

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