Chapter Three: Hagrid's Hut

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Grindelwald laughed. "It's a shame really, she was a good kid. An even better partner in crime though if I'm being honest. Surely, better than Albus ever was. Yet, both were traitor's in the end." Grindelwald looked down at Tracy with disappointment, but within him was a secret feeling of regret. He'd just made a big mistake, and he knew it.

Harry put Tracy back on the ground slowly. Then pulled his wand out and fired at Grindelwald. It was a poor attempt, considering that Grindelwald was a much more talented wizard.

Harry kept firing, but none hit Grindelwald. Harry gave up and put his arm down. Then he looked up at Grindelwald, and he asked him. "Why did you do it Gellert? I thought you loved her."

Grindelwald looked away for a moment, then looked back at Harry. Then he walked towards Harry and glared at him as he leaned closer and whispered, "Whether I loved her or not, is none of your concern." Then Gellert walked past Harry and apparated away. Harry looked at the others that were there. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, all good friends of Tracy.

Harry looked back at Tracy, then went to her a picked her up, the same way Hagrid had when Harry had to be killed in the Forbidden Forest. All of them had left the Battleground, and went to the Weasley's. They came through the door and as soon as Molly had saw her she broke down.
Arthur had a different reaction, more so with anger. He came towards her and asked, "What's happened?! Who's done this?!"

"Gellert Grindelwald." Harry answered quietly.

Both Arthur and Molly looked up and said in the same confused tone. "What?"

Arthur asked Harry, "How is Grindelwald even alive? I thought Voldemort had killed him."

Harry replied, "That's what everyone thought. But apparently, she broke him out before Voldemort ever got the chance to."

Arthur asked concerned, "Why would she do a thing like that?"

Harry replied, "She loved him. And it didn't change anything because Grindelwald didn't tell Voldemort where the Elder Wand was anyway."

Molly spoke up, sniffling. "But I thought she loved you."

Harry replied, "She did. But apparently...she loved him as well." Then Harry moved past the door and put Tracy on the couch in the living room.

Molly had followed and said, "I'm so sorry Harry."

Harry looked at Molly and said, "It's alright. It's not like I haven't lost a loved one before." Harry continued, "Tomorrow I'm going to pay Hagrid a visit. He was the only other one that was as close to her as we were. Well maybe not me, but definitely Ron and Hermione."

Moments passed, and Harry just couldn't stop looking at Tracy. Why couldn't he be happy? What had he done? Why didn't Gellert kill him? Harry came out of his thoughts and pulled the chair next to the couch up towards Tracy, he sat down and held her hand, then drifted to sleep.

Harry walked towards Hagrid's hut. Tracy took quite a fall in a recent Quidditch game and she wasn't allowed to play for a while. And Harry knew that whenever Tracy felt down, she'd go hang out with Hagrid and the animals. She'd do it anyway after classes were over, but she tended to rush to the hut whenever she was having a bad day. Harry had made it up to the hut and opened the door. "Hey Hagrid." Harry said.

"Why hello Harry, wasn't expecting to see you today." Hagrid said confused.

"I just came to see you, and to see how Tracy was doing." She had been sleeping with her head down on the table. Harry put one of the chairs next to her and sat down. Then he shook her gently awake. "Hey Tracy." Harry said to her.

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