Chapter Four: A Dark-Lord's Heart

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Grindelwald sat at his desk, realizing what he had just done. Why? He kept asking himself. Why did I do this to her? Why did I think that doing that would solve my problems? It seemed like everywhere he looked around the house he'd remember a time when she was there, and he swore he was able to see her sometimes. He finally realized that he truly did love her. He refused to believe it before, but now that she's gone he realized how much he truly needed her.

"That's it." He said out loud to himself. "I'm bringing her back."

He went around the office throwing random things left and right looking for a book, a very specific book. It was Tracy's spell book that was given to her by her father, but it wasn't those normal spell books that'd give you spells from years ago that only few people still use. No, this spell book was magic itself. Whenever a new spell has been created, it will appear within the book. So if there ever was a spell to bring people back to life, it would be in that book.

Even after he had basically destroyed his office, he couldn't find the book. So he stood there in the middle of the room and thought, really hard as to where this book could've been. Then it hit him. Tracy's room. It had been so long since the last time he was in there that he, actually kind of forgot that it was there. Once he had walked over, he hesitated before opening the door. He stood there with his hand on the doorknob, but just couldn't bring himself to turn it. He thought of all the times that he had opened this door to see her lying on her bed, peacefully sleeping. He loved it when he'd catch her sleeping, she always looked so calm, and she deserved to be after all the things that she's been through. Some of which, he had caused. In fact, she wouldn't have a majority of the issues she had if he hadn't gotten involved. He hadn't realized it, but he began to breathe faster. The guilt of what he had done to that poor girl finally hit him. He turned around and sat against the door. He took a moment, to think about what he was going to do. What if there wasn't a spell to bring her back? What if she was never the same?

He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind for now. He stood back up, and finally opened the door. As he walked in, his mind was filled with so many memories of her. To say he had missed her was an understatement. He had truly, made an absolutely awful decision killing her. But he was going to bring her back, more or less, she was coming back. He just kept repeating the words 'She'll be back' in his mind as he looked around for the book. He started at her desk, which he had thought she'd put it as she was always mindlessly flipping through it's pages. He sat at the desk and thought for a moment. If he were Tracy, where would he put the book when he was done with it. He opened the top drawer on the right side. Nothing. He tried the other ones, still nothing. He then finally checked one of the most obvious places. Her bookshelf. He smirked to himself as he looked around and found an outline of a hidden compartment behind a few of the shorter books. He set those books aside, pulled the compartment open and took the book out. He sat back down at the desk and flipped through the pages. "Ah! Here it is!" He said, shooting up from his seat. "Vivificante."

He went back over to the bookshelf and put the book back in its compartment, as well as putting the books back in their original spot, hiding the compartment once again. He said, stepping back and putting his hands on his hips. "Alright," And stated with a nod, "Time to find Tracy." And with that said, he walked out of her room and back into his office.

Once in his office, he started pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. He knew the next step he had to take to find her, but in order to go through with it he had to find something of her's to cast the spell on. Which sounds rather easy, and it was. But he wanted it to be something practical, something that wouldn't catch the attention of the muggles. Then an idea popped into his head, and he stopped pacing. He then raced to his desk and opened one of the drawers to pull out Tracy's deathly hallows pendant. He assumed that she had left it here the last day that she had been there, and he has since then left it in his drawer. He hadn't even remembered that he still had the necklace until now. He then ran to grab his trench coat and put it on, he then went back to his desk and grabbed the necklace once again.

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