You huffed out, your face turning into a pout and your arms going to your side in frustration. Seunghoon walked up to you and lifted an eyebrow in confusion.
"Can't you at least take a nice picture for once?"
"What do you mean? That one is nice."
You rolled your eyes and turned your phone. Without a word you walked off, motioning for Seunghoon to follow.
"That one wasn't nice. You always make weird faces like that and I never have any good pictures of you on my phone. I just want nice pictures of my best friend."
Seunghoon watched as you sulked and made disappointed noises. He thought they all were nice, to him at least. As a friend, he always thought silly pictures were acceptable. After your drunk texts that you meant to send to your friend about liking him, he couldn't really think of taking any good pictures for you because he wanted to make sure that you liked him first.
"Tell you what," you looked over at him, perking up at the thought of finally taking a nice picture of him, "Meet me at that fair tonight. Then we'll see if you can actually get a nice picture."
You jumped up and down, "Thank you! I'll meet you there! What time?"
"7:30. It's a date."
With that, he walked off. You walked home confused and a little bit anxious at the words he said. What could he have possibly meant by a date? He didn't actually mean that... Did he? You checked the clock on your wall when you got home. It was 5, which gave you two hours to shower and choose an outfit. You hopped in the shower and cleaned yourself. When you got out, you wrapped the towel around your waist and tried to find a cute outfit.
While looking, all you could think about was Seunghoon and the words he said. If he really meant what he said, you wanted to look cute. A light blush crossed your face just even thinking about dating your childhood friend. You were there with him since he was young, and you couldn't even think about dating him now. While you were drunk you did confess to your friend that you liked him, but what were the chances of him liking you back.
You found an outfit and did your hair and make up, making sure to take some time on it so that it would look perfect under any lighting. If Seunghoon wasn't going to go out with you and if he didn't ask, why not try and pick up other guys while there?
You looked at your phone. 6:30. You got your shoes on and walked out, locking the door behind you. Pulling up the location of the fair on your phone, you walked there. It was a 30 minute walk and you needed the exercise. You pulled up your friends contact while walking there and talked to her the whole way so that you weren't bored and didn't get distracted by things.
Arriving at the location, you hung up the phone and sat on a bench nearby, waiting at the entrance for Seunghoon. You got there early, as usual because you were someone who was punctual. Idling playing games on your phone, you waited.
You lifted your head to see Seunghoon jogging towards you. You smiled and stood up, waving your hand at him.
"Were you waiting long?"
"Hoon, it's only 7. I was here early."
He laughed, causing you to smile, "Ready to head inside?"
You nodded and followed him in. He payed for the tickets and handed yours to you. He then extended his arm for you to link with, which you happily obliged to. You walked around, playing games and eating carnival food. He was paying, how could you resist it. You both joked around, making cotton candy mustaches on each other and pushing each other around. The adults there looked at you as if you were being more childish than their kids that were there.
As it got darker, you started to see less and less people there. Of course, most of the kids were gone and all the people left were teenagers.
"We should head out, its getting darker and things could get weird around here."
Seunghoon agreed, but then looked at you concerned, "But you wanted your picture."
"It's alright, Hoon. I got something better out of this whole day."
He smiled and pulled something out of his pocket, "Guess you don't want this then."
You squinted at what he was holding to get a better look at it. It was a necklace with a star on it. The stars were always something you and Seunghoon had as a symbol for each other. You looked up at him confused and he motioned for you to move your hair so that he could put it on.
"I got this as something for you when I was walking home today," He clipped it and smiled at you, holding his hand out for you to hold which you gladly took, "I wanted something that meant something when I asked you."
You tilted your head, "What do you mean when you asked me?"
Seunghoon looked away, a blush covering his face. He looked back at you, a new found confidence in his eyes, "(Y/N), will you be mine?"
Your face went from confusion to excitement. You started squealing and hugged him tightly and started letting out high pitched yeses. He chuckled and hugged you back, spinning you around in the process. You looked up at him, a wide smile spread across your face.
A thought crossed your mind and you grabbed your phone out, "I want to redeem my new boyfriend picture. Please!?"
He laughed and nodded, striking a pose for you. You took the picture and did a happy little dance. Not only would this day be saved, but you had finally taken a nice picture of your now boyfriend. You couldn't be happier.
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I have a soft spot for Seunghoon. And my bias is Mino, but I love me some Hoon. ANYWAY don't forget to request. Even though I have a lot more drafts to upload c: ~Jay
Also, to clarify, The picture at the beginning is the first picture you took, the second is the second one you took. ALSO don't forget to request on Luna's oneshot book on her profile Lunar__Dragon and request on there as well. But thats only her writing them