Chapter 5

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IU had asked the teacher to join the dance club, but the teacher said she'd have to audition. Everyone laughed at the fact that she was rejected, but she seemed to not care. All she did was look at Jinin who was giving her a grin and winked at him. I didn't need to see that, lucky for me, the bell ringed meaning I'm off to forth period. Thank goodness I wouldn't have to see the discussing view anymore.

Struggling to find my last class of the day, I finally found it, although I was late. Being the last one to get to class wasn't fun, that meant getting yelled at by the teacher, and getting last pick on a seat. Of course having the amazing luck I have the last two seats were at Jimin's and IU's table.

Life hates me, doesn't it?

I decided to sit across from IU which meant sitting next to Jimin, which hopefully wouldn't be that bad.

Half way through the class Jungkook walked in, and considering the last seat was between IU and I, he had no other choice but to sit there.

"Now, I hope all the students are here, we are going to begin our first project. This is a mandatory stem fair project, good news is that you will be doing it in partners that I have assigned to every individual." Meanwhile I'm thinking that we were going to choose our partners.

Just my luck, I got paired with Jimin. At least I didn't get paired with IU, jungkook did though.

Jimin turned to face me with a very annoyed face. "Don't look at me like that , I didn't choose to be partnered up with you.". "You know you low key wanted to be pared with me though". As much as I wanted to to smack that smirk off his face I decided to stay some what classy. "Trust me I didn't".

"So, what are we doing for our project?". "I don't know, and since class is almost over, how about we meet up after school?". "Deal, my place at three, I'll send you my address."  We exchanged numbers with his first message he sent being his address.

The bell rang and on my way out the class I was stopped by the 'cutest' couple on campus  having a make out session. By the look on Jimin's face he wasn't enjoying it. Ignoring the view in front of me I walk right past it, trying to burn that memory.

Jimin POV

"How about we go to my house?". "I would like that very much" We left school and drove us to my house for some play time.... but I hadn't  realized it was already three.


After school I drove to Jimin's house, I grabbed my bag from the co-pilot seat and walked towards the front door. I rang the bell expecting to see Jimin's face, but was instead greeted by someone else. "Who are you?" "I think I should be asking you that, considering you are at my door step.". "I guess you're right, I'm Y/n and I'm here to see Jimin. He's my partner for a science project.". "Oh, for a minute there I thought you were his girlfriend.". "Very funny." "I'm Baekhyun" "Nice to meet you Baekhyun, now may you let me come in?" " Ah yes, sorry about that. Jimin's room is the first door on the right going up the stairs. I'm not exactly sure what's he doing, I just got home.". "Okay, thank you"

He let me in and I made my way up the stairs to Jimin's room. Not really caring whether AI'm in my house or not, I walked in to see Jimin and IU naked in bed.

"Wow. I can't believe you guys are already fucking, I mean considering you guys just met" "You're just jealous it's not you who's in bed with him" "No honey. I'm good, to be honest I'd rather do it with his brother"

Little did I know Baekhyun was behind me, till I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Then let's get to it, honey." "It was a joke" Removing his arm from my waist, after a moment of silence Jimin yelled making both Baekhyun and I jump slightly. "What are you still doing here?! Get out!". "Fine but first" Taking my phone out and take it a picture of the lovely couple in front of me, walking out the room hearing Jimin's last words. "Y/n delete that!" And with that I left his house, completely forgetting about the project.

Jimin POV

I got dressed quick and ran after Y/n but it was to late she had already left.

Seeing IU walking down the stairs with her shoes in her hand about to walk out. "Hey, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" With a final goodbye kiss I close the door only to hear my annoying brothers voice. "You know, your dick really has grown since last time I saw it" "Shut up" I walk back up to my room to spam Y/n in hopes she would listen to me and delete the picture.

Next day at school

Walking into school with only one thing in my mind, Y/n.

I had to get her to delete the pictures. As I thought about what to say when I finally grab her and tell her to delete them, I saw her, grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out to the rooftop. "What are you doing?! Let me go!" I didn't respond since there are other student around us.

We made it to the rooftop and got straight to the point. "Delete the pictures" "No" "No? I'm sorry but I don't think you have much of a choice" "But I do, of course unless you would like for me to beat your ass. Again." I roll my eyes at her, not in the mood for this. "Alright, fine." I proceed to unbuckle my pants, until she started whining again. "What are you doing!? That's not what I meant" "Then what do you want?"

She smirked at me, kinda sexy, but still not a good thing for her to be doing right now. "I want everybody to know what you did to me last year" "Right, and how do you plan on doing that? If you tell everyone, people won't believe you" "That is why I came up with the genius idea of you telling them. Not to mention the footage I'll show as proof." "What footage?" "The footage from the security cameras, I was planing on using them last year, but thought they were to be of better use this year" "Fine, how long do I have?" "I'll give you two weeks, if not that little picture of yours is going all over the internet, plus the footage."

She walked off leaving me there dumbfounded. She had to be bluffing though and if isn't then I guess I'll have to delete the footage and play along.


By the look on Jimin's face it looked like he didn't buy a single word I said. I know he plans on deleting the footage, so I told the security guard to make copies of them for me, and asked him to keep the whole Jimin thing a secret.

On my way back to class I saw a very angry IU making her way towards me, seriously she looked like a hot head.

To be continued.....

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