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7:39 PM

Yellowoctopuses40- do you guys ever take a really nap and think it's the next day when you wake up?

Gimmefood43- that happened to me a few times......

Yellowoctopuses40- well when I got home today, I was so tired, I took an four hour nap! When I woke up, I thought it was tomorrow but Maureen reminded me that it was today.

Maureenstarr - he was sleeping like a log!

Givepeaceachance40- awww little Ringo was sleeping and was really tired!

Yellowoctopuses40- I'm older than you by three months!😭

Yellowoctopuses40- but what happens if I can't fall asleep later?

Gimmefood43- take a melatonin or just meditate.

Yellowoctopuses40- ooh sounds fun! I'll just need some sitar music!

Gimmefood43- and guess who plays it?

Yellowoctopuses40- I know and you're so good!

Maureenstarr- George, if Ringo will be listening to you play guitar, he'll be up the entire night. I think it's best if he eats his dinner then watch t.v until he's tired. I didn't eat as well and I'm quite hungry.

Yellowoctopuses40- good idea Mo! Can we snuggle with my toy octopuses?

Maureenstarr- sure!

Yellowoctopuses40- you're the best wife ever! I love you ❤️

Maureenstarr - I love you to ❤️ now we should eat now:)

Yellowoctopuses40- okay!

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