7:39 PM
Yellowoctopuses40- do you guys ever take a really nap and think it's the next day when you wake up?
Gimmefood43- that happened to me a few times......
Yellowoctopuses40- well when I got home today, I was so tired, I took an four hour nap! When I woke up, I thought it was tomorrow but Maureen reminded me that it was today.
Maureenstarr - he was sleeping like a log!
Givepeaceachance40- awww little Ringo was sleeping and was really tired!
Yellowoctopuses40- I'm older than you by three months!😭
Yellowoctopuses40- but what happens if I can't fall asleep later?
Gimmefood43- take a melatonin or just meditate.
Yellowoctopuses40- ooh sounds fun! I'll just need some sitar music!
Gimmefood43- and guess who plays it?
Yellowoctopuses40- I know and you're so good!
Maureenstarr- George, if Ringo will be listening to you play guitar, he'll be up the entire night. I think it's best if he eats his dinner then watch t.v until he's tired. I didn't eat as well and I'm quite hungry.
Yellowoctopuses40- good idea Mo! Can we snuggle with my toy octopuses?
Maureenstarr- sure!
Yellowoctopuses40- you're the best wife ever! I love you ❤️
Maureenstarr - I love you to ❤️ now we should eat now:)
Yellowoctopuses40- okay!
The Beatles Instagram Stories
FanfictionThis is inspired by @sophiesanwogou. The crazy and funny stories that the fab four have on Instagram. Takes place today but The Beatles are in their mid twenties. And let's say Yoko isn't even in the picture.Featuring The Rolling Stones.