Brianeppy- you guys preformed amazing today! So proud of the four of you!
Givepeaceachance40- thanks Eppy!
Mascaralover42- was my mascara on point?
Givepeaceachance40- yes Paul it was good
Mascaralover42- good because I spent a good hour on it
Gimmefood43- thank goodness I am a guy, I wouldn't have time to eat and do makeup
Yellowoctopuses40- guys guess what!
Givepeaceachance40- what Ringo?
Mascaralover42 ^^
Gimmefood43 ^^
Yellowoctopuses40- I wrote a new song! It's called "Octopus and Friends"
Givepeaceachance40- not this album Ringo, maybe next album
Gimmefood43- yeah, I already wrote three songs for the album
Mascaralover42- and me and John wrote the rest. We wouldn't have enough
Brianeppy- yeah I'm sorry Ringo
Yellowoctopuses40- I wish my music can make an album😭😭😭
The Beatles Instagram Stories
FanficThis is inspired by @sophiesanwogou. The crazy and funny stories that the fab four have on Instagram. Takes place today but The Beatles are in their mid twenties. And let's say Yoko isn't even in the picture.Featuring The Rolling Stones.