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Brianeppy- you guys preformed amazing today! So proud of the four of you!

Givepeaceachance40- thanks Eppy!

Mascaralover42- was my mascara on point?

Givepeaceachance40- yes Paul it was good

Mascaralover42- good because I spent a good hour on it

Gimmefood43- thank goodness I am a guy, I wouldn't have time to eat and do makeup

Yellowoctopuses40- guys guess what!

Givepeaceachance40- what Ringo?

Mascaralover42 ^^

Gimmefood43 ^^

Yellowoctopuses40- I wrote a new song! It's called "Octopus and Friends"

Givepeaceachance40- not this album Ringo, maybe next album

Gimmefood43- yeah, I already wrote three songs for the album

Mascaralover42- and me and John wrote the rest. We wouldn't have enough

Brianeppy- yeah I'm sorry Ringo

Yellowoctopuses40- I wish my music can make an album😭😭😭

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