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9:03 P.M.

The4seasons- It's officially Christmastime!

Yellowoctopuses40- Yay!!!

Mascaralover42- And that means I can finally listen to this again!

Givepeaceachance40- yay

Mascaralover42- John, my Christmas song is better than yours let's admit it

The4seasons - I decorated my room for the holidays too!

The4seasons - I decorated my room for the holidays too!

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Mascaralover42- I love that album!

The4seasons 😂 thanks

Givepeaceachance40- why do you have posters of other bands? I thought your room was all Beatles!

Blondeguitarist42- I really like that Rolling Stones photo near the ha

The4seasons- it's because I like other bands as well like The Rolling Stones and The Zombies!

Givepeaceachance40- oh stupid me

Gimmiesomefood43- but I really like your guitar ornament!

The4seasons- Thank you but every year I forget I have a guitar ornament so I get a guitar every year😂

Gimmiesomefood43 - 😂😂😂

Yellowoctopuses40- I like your calendar!

The4seasons - Thank you Ringo:)

Who's excited for the holidays!?!?

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