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Third POV

A thoroughly beaten duo travelled to their hotel later that night. The auditions are not at London, forcing them to stay at a hotel nearby.  When they scramble out of the car, they are temporarily blinded by cameras flashing. Dec is the first to get out and gives his cutest smile at them all not showing his fatigue or annoyance. He is followed by a rather grumpy Ant and smirking Ali. They all walked into the hotel and to their respective rooms.

Dec's POV

Me, Ali and Ant entered the hotel through a swarm of paps. It's hard to avoid them anywhere. We were all dog tired and Just needed a nap. Ant looked rather sleepy and knowing his trouble of sleep..I wished he sleeps well today. I did give him a hard day. Ant catch me looking at him and smile "I am fine Dec, you too look tired"

Ali look at us in awe " All these years and it still freaks me out that you two can read each other's mind"

We laugh at that. As we reach our floor, Ant goes ahead to his room.I suddenly feel sad . Even with Ali beside me, I cannot take my eyes off him walking ahead, alone.
I see Ali looking at us in turns, probably having the same thought "He looks so lonely"

"I know" I say to her

"Go to him Declan, I will be fine"

"I don't think he will like that. I hope he sleeps well tonight"

"You are frowning, Dec"

"I am afraid Ali, after last year, every time I see him skipping out  his usual self, I am afraid"

We were standing at the corridor staring the room three doors away, into which Ant had disappeared.

"I think he is afraid for you Dec, you both love each other to a point where nothing goes by touching just one of you. Everything affects you both in the equal measures"

I look at Ali in abandon "I will be so lost without him, Ali"

"I know. Get in and get fresh Declan, and speak to him. I know you are tired. But he needs you"
I look at her with love and affection.

"I know you both Dec, stay in if you need. I will be okay here by myself"

She passes me the key card and I open our room. I get into the shower and let the water clean my mind. My mind wanders to the day's events. I am sure Ant might need someone now. I should be with him. But there is also someone else I should be with, for a different reason.I now understand what Ant had said to me earlier Ali deserves a hell lot more than an apology.

After making sure I am clean enough, I call out " Ali.. "

"Yes Declan?"

"Come here please"


"You stink horrible, you know?"

"What me?"

"Yeah. Let's get you fresh"

She giggles, as I pull her to the shower with me.


Ant's POV

I can feel two pairs of eyes on me as I walk to my room. I had played sportly for Dec's sake knowing so well that he is worrying about me.I can't look at them now. He will clearly figure out my distress once he sees my face.I close the door behind me and sink to my knees.The six-star plush hotel feels so depressing.. and lonely.
Its been like this for days; for months to be fair. But never have I felt so lonely and depressed. My mind wanders to Lisa.  I am sure Ali had called her. We still care for each other. It hurts so much to be away. But this is more bearable than what we had to go through each day for the past couple of years. No one knows what could happen in their life. I had put aside being happy and hopeful since dad left my family. It's tough to love sometimes. Still people came barging into my heart. And made a favourable portion for me in their hearts and lives. Mom always held me close. How strong was she when he left. Even after finding Davey she is as independent as ever. How much I admire her. Then there is Sarah. How many times had I looked at her sleeping peacefully and feared thinking whether I could help her with growing up? Then Emma came to our family. She was always our true sister. My grandparents - They were like my surrogate parents. If not for them, I would never have known how to love.

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