Away from You...

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The sudden commotion of an ambulance and worried faces of crew members were enough for everyone to know that something was really bad.

The judges had just finished their food and were waiting in the green room with Stephen cracking odd jokes at their expense when the air was pierced by the siren of an approching ambulance.

Alesha: "Is that an ambulance? What happened?"

Amanda: "Ohh no. Is anybody hurt?"

Stephen : "We have an emergency unit here and an ambulance of our own"

David: "It's not oxygenated, is it?"

Amanda: "I think it is. Why would they call another ambulance?"

Simon: "You are actually, right. I hope there are no major problems"

Stephen : "I will just go down and check"

Simon: "Call me once you know"

Every people in the room was silent now, a sheer Panic settling in...What? ....Who?

Stephen was about to go out and check when a terrified crew member ran into the room.

"Stephen Mulhern, Stephen, sir.." he rambled. Stephen was confused and terrified."Yes? I am here! what is it? What happened Jeff?"

"Sir, the director is calling you. They need you urgent!! Please come fast!"

Simon piped in "What happened? What is it all about ?"

The whole room was looking at Jeff now , who cringed, afraid to let out the news. He looked straight  at Stephen, pleading  to come with him

"Sir, you have to come fast!! Dec needs you...It's Ant!! "



No one could hold the panic.Gasps and yelps filled the room.The moment he heard the name, Stephen rushed out of the room with Jeff. His thoughts were all about Dec.

When he reached the corridors, he saw Roy and Shean holding the stretcher and running to the back exit with some nurses and a distraught Dec. Jonathan and Paul were behind them. 

Jonathan spots him, pulls him by shoulders and whispered "Dec cannot go to the hospital now"
Stephen looked at him in shock

"Its not good Stephen. We can't take the risk of..."

"What are you saying Jonathan? He is his friend!"

"I know. But we can't send him alone. This is the last audition Stephen, there are only a few more acts and then we could call it a day. Understand me Stephen, Paul is going with them and so are the medics.We will call Ali and Georgie too.But Dec,can't,be,there!!"

"Don't tell me it's for the show"

"No Stephen!! you know me" Jonathan looks hurt "Roy doesn't want him there Stephen. It will only make things worse. You have to understand!! things are not good Stephen"

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