best friend's brother - part two

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You and Shuri were in her lab. You sat at the worktable with a screen pulled up playing a vine compilation from Youtube. There was a bowl of potato chips between you, and you shoveled handfuls into your mouth.

"Waddup, I'm Jared, I'm nineteen, and I never fucking learned how to read!" you and Shuri quoted in unison before bursting into laughter, spraying bits of chip everywhere. You swallowed and reached your hand into the bowl only to find that it was empty.

You shoved the bowl into Shuri's chest. "Refill."

She groaned. "I'll be right back." She hit pause and stood up, the legs of her chair scraping against the floor. "Don't watch any more without me."

She climbed up the winding staircase out of the lab. You pulled out your phone and started mindlessly scrolling through Instagram until you heard footsteps approaching you. "That was fast-" you looked up to see T'Challa. Your eyes widened. "Oh, Shuri just left-"

"I'm not here for her." You were about to ask him who he was here for when he asked, "What are you watching?" He sat in Shuri's seat next to you.

You shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, just a vine compilation." You shrugged.

You sat there in silence for a moment. He looked at you. "Well, aren't you going to show me it?"

"Okay..." You knew Shuri would be mad if you watched more without her, so you rewound the video a little bit. You hit play, and as you watched the video, you glanced at T'Challa now and then to see his reaction. You could tell he wasn't too amused by the stoic expression on his face, though he kept watching nonetheless.

"Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Oh my fucking God, she fucking dead."

You laughed so hard that you snorted. You doubled over, your stomach aching because you were laughing so much. Your face turned red, and tears streamed down your cheeks. When you looked up, T'Challa was staring at you, a small smile on his face.

You ceased your laughing. "What?"

He kept his eyes on you. "Nothing."

You paused the video. "Sorry, you probably don't like it. You don't have to watch anymore-"

"No, no." He shook his head. "I like it because it makes you laugh, and you have a really nice laugh..."

Your smile dropped. "I do?"

"Yeah." He reached out a hand and cupped your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin gently. You felt your heartbeat speed up. He whispered in his deep, velvety voice, "Tell me if you want me to stop."

Then, he started to lean in. You didn't say anything, but he paused anyway, his lips hovering inches from yours. You smiled. "I didn't tell you to stop."

He grinned before closing the distance and connecting your lips. His were warm and soft and tasted like mint. Sure, he was your best friend's brother, but he was also King T'Challa, your crush for years. How could you resist?

You clutched the front of his shirt to pull him closer to you, deepening the kiss. You were hungry for him. Your lips moved in sync with his, and he tangled his hands in your hair. Then, you heard feet stomping down the stairs, and you and T'Challa practically flew apart to opposite sides of the room.

Shuri hopped down the last few remaining steps. "Alright, that's the last time-" she looked up to see T'Challa. "Brother, what are you doing here?"

He jumped out of Shuri's chair, still gasping for air. "Uh, I just came to see if the improvements to my suit are done yet."

She raised a brow. "Yeah, you came by the lab yesterday and asked me that, remember? I told you they were done. You're literally wearing the suit right now." She gestured to the vibranium necklace around his neck.

Your face flushed red. T'Challa looked down at the necklace, his eyes widening. "Oh, right." He forced a laugh and scratched the back of his head. "I guess becoming king has made me forgetful. Well, thank you, sister. Have fun watching your vines."

She crossed her arms. "How'd you know we were watching vines?"

You stifled a laugh. "Goodbye!" T'Challa blurted before fleeing from the room.

Shuri shook her head and reclaimed her seat. She set the bowl of chips on the worktable. She looked over at you, squinting her eyes. "Do you need chapstick, (Y/N)? Your lips look really red."

Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. "I... uh..."

She laughed and hit play on the video. "You just better have not watched any more without me."

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