1. First Appointment

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Hamilton really didn't want to see a psychologist for his nightmares but his friends had insisted on it and not like he could back out when Eliza booked an appointment for him with someone that she knew. He felt anxious but not as badly as he did in some of his nightmares; in some he felt like he was actually on the cusp of drowning in the middle of a storm and another it felt like he was really shot. He couldn't deny they were occurring more and more, couldn't deny that he would shoot up and unintentionally wake Laurens with his ugly sobs, couldn't deny that he was breaking down almost every night and sometimes during the day if he passed out... But he refused to admit they warranted an appointment to a specialist.
However he didn't want to disappoint so he waited until his name was called. 

"Alexander Hamilton?!" A woman called, Dr. Maria Reynolds, leaning against the door frame of her office. She watched as the small man jumped slightly before standing up and ushering himself into her office. "Take a seat." She shut the door and took her time walking to her desk. "Hey Alex, so what appears to be the problem?"
"Well..." Hamilton hadn't thought how he was going to explain this, his focus had mainly been on keeping himself calm and not running back to John. He didn't know why but he felt a little uncomfortable around doctors in general, though there didn't seem to be a reason as to why. "I've been having these nightmares. I don't think much of them but my friends insisted I see someone cause they've been keeping me up all hours."
"Hmm... Did anything traumatic happen in your past?"
"Not that I'm aware of."
"Tell me about these nightmares of yours."
"It's different ones every time... Though the ones that occur the most are one where my mother and I are sick and after what feels like days she dies holding me in her arms. Another is that there's a hurricane and... I nearly drown in it, I can't breath and it's like I'm really there drowning unable to breath. There's also the one where I'm at home... Well it isn't my home but it feels like it is and I have a son or rather I know they're my son but I haven't had children... Eliza (my friend who booked this appointment) and she comes in and basically tells me my boyfriend's been shot dead in South Carolina. But he hasn't been there for years and Eliza's wearing these clothes that look like they're from another era entirely... And the last one I'm face to face with someone who feels familiar but I've never met them before, and we're having an old fashioned duel and I raise my gun to the sky... And he shoots me right between my ribs and I die."
"Oh wow..." Maria hadn't been expecting such honestly considering his... his hesitations. Furthermore, she didn't expect the details he'd remember exactly; hardly anyone remembered who was in their dreams besides them, nor the amount he had. "Hmm... That's rather similar to something we've been calling M. T. R. T. P., it's rather rare but I'll continue to monitor and talk to you before we talk about that again. Alright?"
"M. T. R. T. P.?"
"Mind(s) That Remember Their Past."
"Like I said, it's rather rare and we'll talk more about it later, I don't want to misdiagnose you."
"No I mean... Minds That Remember Their Past? Are you suggesting that they're some sort of repressed memories or... or a past life?"
"Exactly what I mean."
Alexander laughed nervously. "You're kidding right?"
"No." Alex was tempted to gulp under her serious glare. "I don't kid when it comes to this."
"But... But why wouldn't Eliza or John remember too? What's special about me that I remember?!"
"I am not allowed to talk about other sessions.So with that being said we are not here to talk about them. We are here to talk about you. And like I said it's rare. It doesn't happen often."
"Other sessions?! Wait... You don't mean-"
"Whatever it is that you're thinking, stop thinking it."
"Breath and tell me anything you recall from your dreams."
Alex took a couple of deep breaths, shaking the thoughts from his head. Eliza's been seeing a psychologist for years for depression, she was probably referring to that. "John, Eliza and her sisters, Laf and Herc... There's quite a few faces I don't know there as well. And a war... There was a war going on when I met them all... Well nearly all of them. Couple a met later on. Think I was a lawyer or a secretary? One of the two... Oh and I was an orphan and other members of my family died."
"And on days you have these dreams, how do they affect you and your mood?"
"The one's where others die I get really clingy and protective of them... One where I die, I shake a lot, feel paranoid and fragile. One's where I nearly died I'm constantly checking the weather for storms. There's a couple of good ones though, like drinking with friends and those I just enter the day happily pretty much."
"And what about the one you had today?"
"I was yelling with someone and we nearly came to blows but my boss separated us before anything happened and they taunted me afterwards... Something about not having the votes? Whatever that means."
"Could it be a rivalry of some sort?"
"Most likely but I couldn't tell you what about... Though this isn't the same person that killed me, this was someone else entirely and they had a friend with them as well who joined in on the taunting but I wasn't as concerned about them."
"Alright. Well if there's anything else, no matter how unimportant it seems."
"Not that I can think of... I mean, I guess me and Eliza are married in these dreams but we're just friends in real life and any romance died out years ago."
"Hmm... Alright. What would you say is your strongest relationship and weakest relationship is right now?"
"Strongest: me and John, definitely. Weakest: ... I'm not sure... Me and Peggy I guess but I don't see her as often as I use to."
"And why is that?"
"Work I guess... Though she kinda just disappears in my dreams, no idea why though. It's probably nothing."
"Odd. Well, Mr hamilton, I would like you to keep an journal and write down your dreams when they wake you from sleep so I can read over them and maybe I can find something else in there, Alright? And wrote in full detail. Hand me the journal back in the end of every two weeks."
"Okay thanks."

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