Chapter 4 - Halloween Pt.1

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I can't lie, the past two days have been really fun. Tate and I have been spending so much time together; listening to music, messing around with the Ouija board, running around, and just talking. I'm trying really hard not to, but I think I'm falling in love with him again.

Today is Halloween, the one day that the ghosts trapped in this horrible home get to escape. The one day we get to be free. As I lie in my bed thinking, I reminisce once again to last Halloween. I can remember the sound of the waves crashing as Tate and I sat on the beach, the group of bloody teenagers that approached us and chased us all the way home, the terrible secrets that were revealed, and the many kisses that were shared between Tate and I.

God, how much I miss kissing him.

I refocus my thoughts and slip out of bed, tying my hair up in a messy ponytail and lazily walking down the stairs. As I head into the kitchen, I notice that almost everyone is standing there, staring at me.

"Hi?" I don't even bother forcing a smile.

"Hi, Vi. Come sit down sweetie." My mom smiles warmly at me, holding onto my dad's arms as he holds her from behind.

I roll my eyes and grab an apple, turning around and walking towards the exit of the kitchen.

"Hey!" My dad calls, causing me to face him with a scowl on my face.

"What?" I mutter.

He taps the counter. "Come sit, please."

Annoyed, I sluggishly walk towards the chair and take a seat. "Yes?" I question, plastering on a fake smile.

"We'd all like to talk to you about your, um, friendship with Tate." My mother smiles politely.

"What about it?" I glare at Chad, who looks like he's on his last nerve.

"We don't thin-"

"He fucking killed half the people in this house!" Chad interrupts my mother, angrily stabbing the pumpkin on the counter with a kitchen knife.

My mom pauses, looking shocked by Chad's sudden outburst, but I stay still. "What I was going to say is, we-"

"And he raped Vivien! What kind of psychopath rapes his girlfriend's mother? Mother!" Chad screams, Patrick then taking the knife out of his hand before he does any more damage.

Okay, I'm used to getting crap from everyone about trying to get closer with Tate, but they seriously need to stop telling me shit I already know. Do you know how much I care? I've forgiven him. I'm ready to trust him because I love him, and I always have. If my family and the other ghosts in this house can't except that then I don't really give a fuck. I decide to finally speak.

"Just shut up, okay?" I yell, standing up out of my seat. "I-I love him. I always have. Everyone makes mistakes and even though he have made some terrible ones doesn't mean he doesn't have a reason and he doesn't have feelings. Do you want to know why he did everything? Because Constance was a terrible mother to him. He would always go down to the basement when she was mean to him and Nora was there to comfort him. When he decided to return the favor and ask her what she wanted she told him she wanted her baby so that's what he tried to get for her. The whole time he was just trying to help someone he loved. The one that treated him like a son. You may say he's psychotic and he might have done some horrible things but I love him and you have to except that. I'm sorry." I choke out, leaving everyone in awe. I run upstairs and back into my room, immediately throwing myself on my bed and crying into my pillow. I feel a hand rub my back.

"It's okay Vi, it's okay." I hear Tate's soothing voice tell me quietly. I wipe the tears out of my face and sit up and face him.

I know I shouldn't do this, but I lean in and connect our lips. At first he doesn't respond, obviously surprised by my action but once he snaps back into it he smiles into my mouth and deepens the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, instantly forgetting about everything that went on downstairs and just focusing on the feeling of Tate's lips against mine. He pushes me onto the bed, running his hands through my hair and I flip him over, straddling him and doing the same. After about a minute, I finally disconnect our lips, laughing. He smiles at me and sits up.

"Let's go have some fun."


I'm gonna start asking you guys questions here because I want to learn more about you!

Q: What's your favorite band?


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