Chapter 1: Forgiven

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six years ago

Violet's POV //

"Go away, Tate." I stutter, struggling to hold back my tears.

"N-no, Violet. Please don't do this!" Cries Tate, taking a step towards me from behind. "Please." He mumbles.

"Go a-" I start again.

"You're all I want!" He cries. "You're all I have!"

Go away." I scream as loud as I can and stop holding in my tears. The last thing I hear is a faded 'I love you' before everything becomes silent. I turn around to see that Tate has disappeared.

Letting out shaky breaths, I take a seat on my bed and cry into my pillow, letting the tears pour and change the surface from soft to damp.

"I love you, too." I whisper.

(Quick A/N: I know that they didn't show what happened after we saw that he had disappeared but I added that on. Okay you can get back to the story now lol)


present day

"Moira?" I call, walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, sweetie?" She chimes in response.

"Do you believe in forgiveness?" I inquire quietly, shy about the subject.

Moira turns around to face me and smiles weakly. She takes a step towards me and takes my hands in hers.

"I believe in forgiveness," she begins. "but I don't think it should be given for free. People need to earn forgiveness and not take it for granted once they have received it. There's a difference between excepting and forgiving. Just remember that." She tells me, her tone soft and careful.

"I know what this is about." She smiles crookedly at me and I return the favor. "It's about Tate, isn't it?" She questions and I nod, sighing as I take a seat in one of the chairs that stands near the kitchen island.

"He's been trying so hard to earn back your trust, Violet." She assures me. "I know he have done some really terrible things but he's really trying. I don't know, maybe you should give him a chance..." She go's on.

"No." I interrupt her. "I'll never forgive him!" The words fly out of me. They've been on the tip of my tongue lately because it's all anyone around here talks about with me and it's getting old.

"We'll see." She says simply before turning back to sweeping.




Tate's POV //

I watch intently as Violet steps out of the kitchen and heads upstairs. I'm careful not to show myself, afraid that her calmness will turn quickly to rage when she notices me.

"Tate." She half-whispers as she sinks into the mattress of her bed. "I know you're in here. I know you're watching me."

When I don't respond, she gets louder.

"Tate!" She half-yells. "Please just come out. I need to talk to you." She cries and I sigh.

Stepping in through the doorway, I reveal myself shyly and to my surprise, she doesn't look disgusted.

"Hi." She says awkwardly. God, I love her. "Wanna start over?" I can't believe what she just said but I nod anyways, sticking out my hand.

"Hi. I'm Tate. I'm dead. Wanna hook up?" I question and she laughs, taking my hand in hers and shaking it.

"Maybe later." She smiles jokingly.

Maybe things are turning out for me after all, but I know one thing;

I can't mess this up.


this kinda sucked hahahaha. the prologue is only lightly edited and i'm sorry it's really short too. but omfg violate

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